
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y1 Lancaster



This term, we will be looking at Remembrance Day through the poetry, Poppy Poppy. We will then be looking at the book, Malala’s Magic Pencil throughout antibullying week. We will focus our learning about love, respect and being kind through our literacy learning. In RE we will be focusing on Incarnation; the Christmas Story. We will look at why it is important to Christians and who features in the story. In Maths we will continue looking at addition and subtraction.

This is of course the build up to the Christmas period and Nativities. Our Nativity this year is called ‘A Little Bird Told Me’. We will begin learning and singing the songs so get ready to join in!



Welcome back to school and into Year One!


The first term will start off by being based around a science unit of work called All Things Bright and Beautiful, We will visit Austerfield and then will look at classifying and sorting animals. This means that in English we will be writing facts files about fish, birds and mammals before we start to look at the book, The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr. We will concentrate on number formation and counting within 10 during maths time and focus on The Creation as told by the Bible in RE.


PE will be on a Monday afternoon and Forest School will be on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure that PE kits and jumpers are all labelled as it is amazing how quickly they can disappear! For Forest School, please come in suitable clothes, including closed toed shoes.


Mrs Kabesh - Class Teacher

Mrs Holmes - TA Extraordinaire

Mrs Burns - Forest School Teacher

Mrs Dixon - Science, History and Geography teacher


Don't forget it if you wish to contact me, my email is and I will do my best to answer you questions or queries
