
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y2 Clarel

Autumn Term 1

Welcome to Year 2


I hope you all had a lovely Summer and feel ready and refreshed to come back to school for a new, exciting year to begin!

This term, we will be learning all about animals, their habitats and the food they eat throughout our unit 'What's Alive Outside?'  To launch this topic, we will be going on a class trip to Austerfield! This will be a great start to our topic, and really help with our learning when we return to the classroom.  In English, we will be writing postcards to Sunny the Meerkat, who features in our Guided Reading text 'Meerkat Mail'.  In Maths, we will be learning about the place value of numbers up to 100.


PE will be on a Thursday

Forest School will be on a Monday

Reading books will be checked and changed on a Wednesday


In Year 2, you will see...

Mrs Ashbridge - Class teacher

Mr Kirtley - Teaching assistant
