Autumn 2
Hi all!
I hope you all had a lovely half term and are feeling refreshed and ready for another busy term of learning in Year 2. In Guided Reading this half term, we will be reading the text The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark, where we will follow Plop as he confronts his fears and has many adventures throughout. In English, we will be writing our very own animal adventure stories based on our class text. In Maths, we will be continuing to add and subtract some tricky numbers, before moving on to learning our 2,5 and 10 times tables in our multiplication and division unit. Our topic unit this half term is called What's the weather like today? where we will be learning about the four seasons we have in a year, and how the weather changes over the course of that time.
Forest school will be on Monday as usual, so please make sure your child comes into school wearing their PE kits. This half term, Active Fusion will be teaching our PE lessons as we begin our new dance unit! PE will be on a Thursday this half term.
As we move closer to Christmas, Year 2 have the fantastic challenge of learning and performing our KS1 Nativity this year. They will not only be singing with the lovely Year 1 class, but also acting and having speaking parts too!
If you have any questions or queries, please email me via
See you all on Monday!
Mrs Ashbridge
Autumn Term 1
Welcome to Year 2
I hope you all had a lovely Summer and feel ready and refreshed to come back to school for a new, exciting year to begin!
This term, we will be learning all about animals, their habitats and the food they eat throughout our unit 'What's Alive Outside?' To launch this topic, we will be going on a class trip to Austerfield! This will be a great start to our topic, and really help with our learning when we return to the classroom. In English, we will be writing postcards to Sunny the Meerkat, who features in our Guided Reading text 'Meerkat Mail'. In Maths, we will be learning about the place value of numbers up to 100.
PE will be on a Thursday
Forest School will be on a Monday
Reading books will be checked and changed on a Wednesday
In Year 2, you will see...
Mrs Ashbridge - Class teacher
Mr Kirtley - Teaching assistant