Welcome to Year Five
We have already had an exciting start to the school year. Our evacuation to Perlethorpe was a success and we managed to bring all the children back home safely after experiencing billeting, an air raid, a spot of suitcase investigating and a quick test of our enemy aircraft spotting.
Please take a few moments to take a look at our WW2 Knowledge Organiser - this will give you a few clues at to what we will be getting up to this term as we travel back in time.
This page is also your first port of call to see pictures of your children's learning, so watch this space.
This year, Scarbrough class will be taught by Mrs Perry (until Mrs Buckle is fully recovered) with the support of Mrs Berner and Miss Thompson.
Swimming will continue to take place on a Tuesday afternoon until the final week of the Autumn term.
Please collect children from outside the classroom at the end of the school day. It may take us a while to link parents with children so please be patient while we get to know you all.
If parents need to contact us, please use tickhillscarbrough@gmail.com