
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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YR Lumley

Welcome to Reception Class Page

Autumn Term One 


Hello and welcome to our Reception class page. We will post our half termly topic information on here and any key updates for the half term ahead. We are so excited to meet all of the children and welcome them into school.  

The first few weeks will be fully focused on settling into our new routine, making relationships and getting to know one another. 

Our topic for Autumn Term One is ‘Hey, Diddle, Diddle’ where we will be learning about different nursery rhymes. This is a lovely, familiar link for the children and a fantastic way of settling them into school life!  

Throughout this half term the children will build upon their prior knowledge of nursery rhymes. They will listen carefully to new rhymes and begin to sing a few of these by heart. Children will notice how words sound and experiment with changing rhymes.   

They will look at characters from nursery rhymes and learn what makes it traditional using pictures and props.   



Key information 


Forest school- Thursday (Mrs Burns and Mr Kirtley)  

P.E day-  Friday (Mrs Dixon) 
