
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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YR Lumley

Spring Term One


Happy New Year to you all and a warm welcome back! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and made some treasured memories with family and friends.


We are now moving into Spring term and almost halfway through our reception journey already! Our topic for this half term is called ‘Who can help us?’. We will be learning all about the people who help us in our home, school and community. Some of our key knowledge will be:

  • To know that there are different jobs
  • To know who does jobs at home, school and in our community
  • To know rules and routines are there to keep us safe
  • To know who and how to ask for help
  • To know we dial 999 to ask for help in an emergency.


We will start our learning using the text ‘Supertato’. The children will use this text as a stimulus to explore their early writing by:

  • Creating wanted posters for Evil Pea
  • Writing speech bubbles
  • Writing Character descriptions.

The children will then move on to learning about real life superheroes such as police, doctors, firefighters and vets. We will look closely at their role within the community. Following this, we will be learning about the people who help us within school and at home.

We will end our half term learning all about the Chinese New Year Celebration. The children will make comparisons between this celebration and others which they have learnt about and are familiar to them. As part of this block of learning the children will take part in food tasting, creating Chinese Dragon Dances, creating Chinese lanterns and concertina dragons.


We will begin our Phase 3 phonics this half term. The children will learn:


In maths this half term the children will be covering ‘Alive in 5’, ‘Mass and Capacity’, ‘Growing 6,7,8’, and ‘Length, Height and Time’.


Please ensure all reading practise books are returned tomorrow. 


See you all tomorrow


Miss Belnavis and Mrs Burns 😊

Welcome to Reception Class Page

Autumn Two 🎄 


Welcome back! We hope you have had a wonderful half term and have managed some much needed family time after a busy first half term of school. 


This half term our topic will be ‘to infinity and beyond’ where we will learn about space. We have started this week by following the children’s interests and what is relevant to them by focusing on bonfire night. We will also touch on the celebration ‘Diwali’ before kicking off our space topic next week. Towards the end of the half term we will be embracing all things Christmas! 🎄 


Just a reminder that our nursery rhyme concert is next week, 12th November. The children have been practising hard before half term and again today. Please remember to share the sponsor form amongst family and friends and bring in any monies raised on the 12th November (or at your convenience). We are looking forward to being able to invest in some wonderful resources for the children to enjoy in class this year with your help and their hard work!


Please remember that PE kit is to be worn on Friday as per the email and message on tapestry before half term.


The children have had so much fun today and have loved our enhancements in the provision. We are excited to continue this learning throughout the week. 


Miss Belnavis and Mrs Dixon

Autumn Term One 


Hello and welcome to our Reception class page. We will post our half termly topic information on here and any key updates for the half term ahead. We are so excited to meet all of the children and welcome them into school.  

The first few weeks will be fully focused on settling into our new routine, making relationships and getting to know one another. 

Our topic for Autumn Term One is ‘Hey, Diddle, Diddle’ where we will be learning about different nursery rhymes. This is a lovely, familiar link for the children and a fantastic way of settling them into school life!  

Throughout this half term the children will build upon their prior knowledge of nursery rhymes. They will listen carefully to new rhymes and begin to sing a few of these by heart. Children will notice how words sound and experiment with changing rhymes.   

They will look at characters from nursery rhymes and learn what makes it traditional using pictures and props.   



Key information 


Forest school- Thursday (Mrs Burns and Mr Kirtley)  

P.E day-  Friday (Mrs Dixon) 
