
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Reception Lumley

Welcome to the new school year 2015/16!

Below you will find out information about what we are going to be doing through out the year. This site does get updated, so please keep checking in to see any changes or additions!

Welcome to Foundation Stage Two

from Mrs Kabesh and Mrs Holmes




We are a Foundation Stage Unit, so you will also get to meet Mrs Marsden-Smith (Nursery Teacher) and Mrs Bevington. (Nursery Nurse) As we go through the year we will work alongside each other and sometimes with each other to enhance our learning.


Our days are jammed packed with exploring, discovering and learning, which we do in a variety of ways. Everyday we will practice our phonics in order to help our literacy and reading skills; we will practice our numbers and counting skills, as well as acquire new skills. 


Every term will be different as we will work alongside each and every child. We will make sure that we know what they love to do, and then use this to develop their learning. Our work will be mainly child initiated and so our classroom and surrounding environments will be constantly evolving, ensuring that the children have a say in how they want it to be...and then creating what is in their minds! Some of our activities will be teacher led, ensuring that all children will have a focus activity to allow the growth and development young children need.








Dates for your diary

Watch this space for up to date info!





Please make sure that all items of clothing, including pumps, have your child's name written on them. Thank you!
