
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y5 Scarborough

Hello and welcome to Scarborough Year 5 class!


Well done Year 5 for an amazing adventure in Walesby Forest and activities in school.  smiley heart


Welcome back to our second Summer term, hopefully the weather will continue to be glorious! laugh  Don't forget your sun-cream, hat and water bottle.


Date for your diary:  Wednesday 7th June afternoon presentation of our trip to Walesby.


Our topic for this half term is titled 'Adventurous Activities'.  It is Geography based and we will be looking at marvellous maps and how to read a compass as well as the changing landscape around us.   frown


In English we are looking at a classic fiction book 'Swallows and Amazons' which is a story full of adventure!  Our outcome will be to write a non-chronological report and a piece of narrative.  We will also begin rehearsals for the Year 5 & 6 production to be presented in July.


Our chicks continue to thrive and now live outside in the superb coop built by Mr Kirtley, with help from the children.  A special thank you to Mole Country Stores in Worksop for providing all the materials to build the coop. no  There is at least one cockerel who will be re-homed with Cayla Verity whose family has the appropriate place for an early morning noisy cockerel!


Our creative homework open afternoon Will be on Wednesday 5th July at 2 p.m.. The children enjoyed our topic on Ancient Egypt and they have decided to focus on this topic for their creative homework, I hope you enjoy working together on this project. Our classroom is always open so please do pop in and look at all our work and displays.  


PE is now on Tuesday and swimming on Thursdays but please ensure your child keeps their PE kit in school throughout the week.  As the weather changes it may be a good idea to keep an outdoor P.E. kit in school. 


Please feel free to come and visit our classroom.  As always, I'd be happy to answer any questions or queries you might have.


Mrs Lowe frown


Creative Homework - Ancient Egypt

Percy the cockerel goes to his new home

On Thursday 15th June Percy, our cockerel,  went to his new home in Tickhill where he will be free to cock-a-doodle-doo to his heart's content!  Our three hens are thriving and you are welcome to come and see them anytime.

Photos of our stay at Walesby Forest - May 2017


Just a reminder that homework is given out on Friday and due in the following Wednesday.  Thanks you for your all your support, most children are handing homework in early!



Why not try the maths games on our website? 

Well done to our Swimming Gala Champions!

A glimpse into Year 5

World Book Day

A collage of World Book day pictures
