
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Friendship Force

We are a group of children - elected by our peers from each KS2 class - who have the responsibility of helping others to have a happy and fun time  at break and lunchtimes on the playground. laugh


We are very lucky to have some great playtime equipment and part of our role is to look after this and help others to do the same:

  • We help to hand out the equipment at playtime
  • At the end of playtime check it is all returned
  • We also make sure the equipment shed is kept tidy.yes


We have a buddy bench and a Friendship point:

  • We try to include everyone
  • We spot friends who are being kind and helping others, we give out the Friendship Force Award in our celebration worship
  • Help children who may need some encouragement to join in or find a friend to play with
  • and, if necessary, we can initiate some communal games for those not sure what to play, how to play or who to play with. angel


Every class is shown our Playground Promise and we help to remind everyone of this promise which will help playtime be a fun time. heart


We want to ensure playtimes are fun times and continue to be so, so each term we ask all the children how they feel about playtimes and what can be done to make them even better than they are. We often meet to talk about the best way to sort out problems and do our roles to the best of our abilities, we have  suggestion boxes - one in KS1 and one in KS2 - please let us know your thoughts and ideas. enlightened

You can spot us on the playground and around school by looking for our bolt of lightning badges, we are a Friendship Force for you! laugh





Meet our Friendship Force:

Our child friendly anti-bullying policy

Receiving our Gold Charter Anti-Bullying Award
