
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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YR Lumley

Welcome to Reception (FS2)


Here is how this page will work....


I will update this page with things you need to know, such as topics we are covering, important dates  or photos and I will always put the new content at the top. Please don't forget to scroll down however as I never delete the previous information.


The children learned more about diversity and to celebrate our differences while taking part in fun packed activities such as boccia and dancing. The key message was respect and to remember the ABILITY a disAbility gives us. The children responded well understanding that some disAbilities may be obvious while others stay hidden.


A great day at St Mary's, thank you to DICE heart

Diversity Day


Parachute Team Games


Buddy visit to Sheffield Cathedral


Forest School


Summer Term Two


Our last term in the Reception year sees a little change in how we run things. We will be adhering to a similar timetable to that of Y1 in preparation for the next year. This means that we will have breaktime with the rest of the school on the playground during the morning session rather than running straight through to lunchtime.


This means that our PE will now be on Friday afternoons. Therefore, can children come to school in their normal uniform, then get changed after lunch time. We will also see the introduction of Forest School, every Monday afternoon, come rain or shine, so if it is wet, wellies would be a great idea.


We will be focusing on different types of Journeys during this term as we prepare for the journey from Reception to Y1 next year. We will be exploring this through different texts as well as through the children's own journeys that they have taken this year, looking back to where they started and how far they have come.


We will be working with the book, Mrs Armitage on Wheels by Quentin Blake during guided reading times to work on our reading outloud confidence as well as expression and exploring the text. We will work with Mr Gumpy's Outing by John Burningham during Literacy, learning this text through T4W in order to help the children create their own stories and help write them down. Alongside this we will continue with our daily phonics lessons in order to strengthen and further their knowledge. During Maths, we will be exploring the numbers to 20 in more detail, using doubles and halves to solve problems and enhance our reasoning skills.


Choosing our Learning


Summer Term One


The summer term is here so let's hope the sun comes with it! This term we will be looking at Minibeasts and using The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle for our Talk 4 Writing piece. This will help children with their story telling as well as helping them to write the story. For reading we will be looking at the book, Twist and Hop Minibeast Bop by Tony Mitton and Guy Parker Rees which is all about minibeasts. We will concentrate on the expression in our voices as well as how the puncutuation helps us read the words. We will continue with our daily phonics lessons blending our CVC words and writing simple sentences. For maths we will be looking at shape, space and measure as well as numbers to 20 in depth.



World Book Day with Parents



Loving our Library Books at Tickhill Library!


Spring Term Two


This term our topic is called On the Farm. We will be learning about what a farm is and looking at the types of animals found on one as well as what their young are called. We will be taking a visit to a local farm and using the books Three Little Pigs and You're Not Ugly, Duckling! for our literacy and reading. Through the book based on The Ugly Duckling, we will discuss what friendships are and how to recognise how to be kind to people, even when they differ from ourselves. We will be holding a science experiement to find out which materials are better for keeping us waterproof and will record the results. For maths we will be continuing our daily counting times working with 2’s, 5’s and 10’s as well as working with numbers within 20. Daily phonics sessions will continue with work to blend CVC words as well as recognise tricky words and sentence write.


PE is still on Friday’s, so please ensure you send your child in their PE kits as well as having their school uniform for them to change into.


Showing off our Climbing Skills


Spring Term One


This term our topic is called I'm the King of the Castle! and we will be learning all about castles, princes and princessess, with maybe a few dragons as well. We will be focussing on The Frog Prince as well as The Knight who wouldn't Fight and Rapunzel (by Rachel Isadora). We will be conducting a science experiement to see if a Dragon can help melt some ice, as well as continuing with our daily phonics and maths lessons.


As the weather (hopefully) improves we will be getting outside and back into gardening with Gardener Towner in order to tidy up and grow new plants through out the year. We may plant some beans in order for Jack to climb!


It will be the Valentine's Disco this half term so keep your eye out for information on this. If you are not already signed up to ParentMail, please go to the office and do this as this is a great way to stay informed of the school's activities each week and have information sent directly to you.


A huge thank you for all of the lovely and kind gifts that you and the children gave us this Christmas. We appreicate every one, so thank you. heart 

I hope that you have had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to start back again. I certainly am! Reading books will start again at the end of the first week back and Fitness Friday's are back on!


Following the Star to Bethlehem


Autumn Term Two


This term we will be focussing on Traditional Tales, reading many of these well loved stories. We will have a focus on the story 'The Little Red Hen' which most of our Literacy work will be based from. We will continue with our daily phonics lessons to encourage letter recognition and formation as well as daily reading. We will be learning about the properties of 3D shapes as well as looking at positional language in Maths as well as continuing our counting and number recognition.


It is of course the term of Christmas so we will have fun dressing up as the many Christmas Nativity characters and learning our lines and songs for our Nativity Performance called Wriggly Nativity. We will start practising these songs very soon so please expect us to be singing Christmas songs when it is only November! We will also be making a little trip to visit Mary, Jesus and Joseph in the stable with our Year 6 buddies when we 'Follow the Star'. Details will go out closer to the time.


Reading books have started going home now, so please can these be brought in everyday as we will practise them in school. They will get changed on a Monday then again on a Friday. It is natural that you will have the same book for a few days in order to point out the punctuation (full stops, exclamtion marks and question marks) the expression and inntonation (how the words are said) the rate (not too fast, and not too slow) the stress (emphasis on certain words) and pausing (often for dramatic effect). Please do not worry if your child is remembering the words and not actually 'reading' them off the page. Reading is about enjoying and bringing characters to life, so let them do this, even if they aren't even looking at the page. They are 'reading' and enjoying themselves.


Who are we???


Mrs Kabesh - Reception Class Teacher and SENCo

Mrs Powell - Reception Teaching Assistant extrodinaire

Mrs Holmes - Reception Cover Teaching Assistant

Gardener Towner - Reception Gardener

Miss North - Nursery Teacher

Mrs Bevington - Nursery Nurse

Miss Hopkin - Reception and Nursery Teaching Assistant


Autumn Term One


During this term we are going to be learning all about ourselves, so we will be painting and drawing ourselves, learning to write our names as well as recognising other letters. We will start with our phonics programme, RWInc which we will do every day. As well as this, we will practise counting, singing and exploring our new school environment.


I can't wait to get going, so I hope you feel the same!


PE Lessons


PE will be on a Friday starting the second Friday back. We call this Fitness Friday!


Can all children come to school wearing their PE kits and bring their school uniforms into school to get changed into after the morning session. This will encourage your child to dress themselves with out your help and become an independent explorer!




We will not start sending reading books home immediately with your children as we will do this when we think that they are ready. We would encourage you however, to share books with your children as part of your bedtime routine to encourage their love of reading and expose them to the wonderful language found in children's books.

