
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

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Y6 Foljambe

Summer Term 2


The final seven weeks of Year 6 has arrived (sob!) We have finally dried off from our amazing week in Walesby and we're all ready for this half term.


Key Dates

  • Wednesday 5th June at 2.30pm - Walesby Assembly for parents
  • Wednesday 14th June (morning) - Rounders tournament at Estfeld
  • Thursday 15th June - Father's Day Lunch (pre-booking required)
  • Wednesday 28th June - Sports' Day
  • Thursday 29th June at 6pm - St Mary's Got Talent (Good Luck to Thomas & Benjamin who are representing Y6!)
  • Wednesday 5th July at 2pm - Creative Homework Show
  • Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th July - Y5/6 Summer Production:  'Glint of Gold'
  • Friday 21st July at 2pm - Leavers' Service at St Mary's Church



Our Creative Homework is going to be anything to do with our 'Cleopatra, Comin' At Ya' topic, based all around Ancient Egypt. I've already heard some fantastic ideas!


Mrs Over smiley





Den Building 16th June 2017

Summer Term 1


Our topic this term is entitled, 'Cleopatra, Comin' at Ya!' and if you hadn't already guessed, will be based all around the Ancient Egyptians. Y5 and Y6 will be going to the Doncaster Museum to launch this exciting topic, as there is an exhibition there to help us begin to learn all about this amazing historical era. We will be creating and making some Egyptian jewellery too in Design & Technology lessons, as well as learning all about the chronology and, of course, the gruesome stuff! 


This term is also when Y6 have their SATs. They have worked incredibly hard all year and have an absolutely fantastic attitude to their learning so they have nothing to worry about smiley. A few parents have asked me what is the best preparation in the run up to SATs week (w/c 8th May) and these three things are the most important: early nights and plenty of sleep, healthy eating with lots of fruit, vegetables and water, and last but not least - don't stress! 


We also have our residential to Walesby Forest to look forward to this half term! Eeeek...we can't wait! 


As always, feel free to pop in if you have any questions.

Mrs Over smiley



Creative Homework Show - May the FORCE be with you!

World Book Day 2017

Spring Term Two


This half term, Y6 will be continuing with their Darwin topic in Science, and then moving on to learning all about different forces in their 'May the FORCE be With You' topic! Creative Homework for this topic is on Wednesday 5th April at 2pm; we would love to see you there! As always, children are encouraged to be as creative as they wish! 


This is an important half term for Y6 as we are nearing our SATs. Homework will continue to be based around maths or SPaG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and as much support with this as possible is really useful. In school, we are ensuring the children get a good breadth of high-quality, difficult texts for their reading and this half term in Guided Reading we are going to be reading the classic 'Treasure Island' by Robert Louis Stevenson. If you have a copy at home that your child is able to bring in to use, that would be incredibly helpful. 


Mrs Over smiley

Spring Term 1


Welcome back - I hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your families and are suitably rested for another busy term ahead! 


January is full of new beginnings and we will be starting a new topic called 'Darwin's Delights' where Year 6 will be learning all about Charles Darwin and his theory on evolution and inheritance. This topic will be very much based all around science and will include opportunities to further investigate as well as seek to prove or disprove, depending on what we decide! 


Our class novel will be 'The Monster Garden' by Vivien Alcock - I don't want to give too much away before we all read it together, but I will say that it will give us lots to talk about, particularly about ethical and moral issues such as genetic engineering. Our English lessons will be inspired by this book and we will be creating our own monsters, writing narratives about our creations as well as non-fiction writing such as biographies based on famous scientists. 


Please ensure PE kits are in school all week. Athletics will be our first focus in preparation for the schools competition at Sir Thomas Wharton. 


As always, feel free to come and have a chat about any queries or questions.

Mrs Over smiley





Life Skills: how to fix a bike puncture!

Autumn 2

We are continuing with our fabulous Mayans topic for the first part of this half term as we have so much more to learn about still! In school, we have a brand new kitchen and craft area for all of the children to use (how exciting!) and Year 6 are going to be learning about some traditional Mayan recipes and then cooking some for themselves in our DT lessons. Chocolate is a big clue this space!! 

 Creative Homework this half term is based on 'Marvellous Mayans' - you could create something about the Amazon rainforest, something linked to Mexico or Chichen Itza, Mayan gods, the ancient history or sports we have learnt as creative as you like. It's completely up to you! The Creative Homework show where we celebrate all of the children's hard work is on Wednesday 16th November at 2pm. We'd love to see you there!



Look at our fantastic Creative Homework!

Y5/6 Tag Rugby coaching session with Will Foden

Autumn 1

Hello! I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday full of fun and relaxation! Welcome back - we have an exciting year ahead of us in Year 6! I always love the start of a new academic year and I know the new Year 6 children are very proud to now be top of the school. They are going to be fantastic role models!


This half term our topic is all about the 'Amazing Americas' and we cannot wait to get stuck into learning about the fascinating history of the marvellous Mayans and what it was like to live in the ancient times of Mayan civilisation. We will learn about the continent of America as well in geography, with a particular focus on Mexico and its famous Chichen Itza. In English, we will using Eva Ibbotson's adventure novel 'Journey to the River Sea' to inspire us with our writing. From this, we will also be able to learn more about the Amazon rainforest where we can then look deeper into current environmental issues for this wonderful, yet vulnerable, place on Earth. 


Linked to our topic, our launch activity is to 'Meet a Creature', where we will have the chance to learn lots about different creatures, particularly those from South America. I wonder who will be brave enough to hold a tarantula?! 


PE days will usually be on a Monday and Friday, but please keep kits in school all week just in case they are needed (or the weather determines a change of day!)


As always, feel free to pop in and see me if you have any questions or queries, no matter how big or small.

Mrs Over smiley

Spiders and snakes and rats, oh my!

Foljambe Class
