
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y3 Hansby

Welcome back! I can't believe it's Summer 2 which will be our last term! Where has all the time this year gone? Our topic this term will be ‘Doctor, Doctor”. We will be learning all about different food groups and which foods can fuel our bodies. We will also be finding out about the bones and muscles in our bodies and what functions they give us. We are very excited for the World Cup which will start this half term and it will give us a chance to have a look at how the England Football Team fuel their bodies for matches? To understand what foods they need for a major tournament?


Also in the topic we will be learning to:

· Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet.

· Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.

· Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques.

· Investigate what happens to our bodies when we exercise.


Our launch activity will be a sports morning filled with lots of fun activities to get our muscles and bones working!


PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure PE kits are kept in school throughout the week and that suitable clothing is available to match the weather conditions. With the hot weather both sessions will be outdoor.


Homework is sent out on a Friday due back the following Wednesday. We will have a spelling test in class of the weekly spellings on Thursday.


I am always happy to talk if you have any questions or queries. I am always available after school, if this is an inconvenience to you then morning appointments can be set up as well.


Many thanks, Mr Rhodes

Summer 1


Hello everyone and welcome back!

This summer term will be very exciting! I hope we have lots of opportunities to take learning outdoors!


This term our Topic will be ‘Angry Earth’. We will be learning all about volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. In this topic we will be looking at how volcanoes are formed? How they erupt? What are the different layers of the earth? How natural disasters can affect people’s lives? We will be testing our own experiments involving friction, forces and magnetism in Science.


In English we will be looking at a children’s favourite “The Abominables” by Eva Ibbotson. We will be looking at myths to develop our own stories and create our own mythical creatures. We will also be looking at ways we can help protect the yeti by saving its habitat.


PE is on Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor). Please ensure PE kits are kept in school throughout the week and that suitable clothing is available to match the weather conditions.


Homework will now be sent out on a Friday ready for the following Wednesday. All completed homework will be rewarded.


I am always happy to talk if you have any questions or queries. I am always available after school, if this is an inconvenience to you then morning appointments can be set up as well.


Many thanks, Mr Rhodes

Spring 2


Welcome back!

Start of another fantastic half term and this one will be the most exciting yet! Our topic this term will be all about plants and the legend of Robin Hood. Who exactly is Robin Hood? Where did he come from? Myth or legend? We will also be learning about the different types of plants, their functions, how water is transported and the life cycle of plants. We are extremely excited for our trip to Sherwood Forest where we will be taking part in lots of activities, including a midnight walk! The residential will take place on the 1st March and we will be arriving back at school at 3.30pm on the 2nd March. We can not wait!


Dates for your diary:

Friday 23rd February Sherwood Forest meeting

Thursday 1st March – Friday 2nd March Year 3 residential

Wednesday 14 March Parent Evening

Friday 16 March Creative Homework afternoon 2.30 (lower school 2.00)

Wednesday 21 march Mother's Day Lunch

Thursday 22nd March Easter Church Service led by year 5


PE Kits

Children must have PE kits within school. As the weather is still cold please ensure suitable clothing is available within school for outdoor sessions.



Homework will now be handed out on Friday and due back the following Wednesday. Children will be rewarded in school if this is completed and returned back to me by the date set.


As always I am happy to answer any questions or queries you may have. An appointment can also be arranged for your own convenience.


Mr Rhodes smiley

Spring 1


Welcome back, I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and a great start to 2018. We are very excited for what 2018 will hold for us. This half term we will be investigating 'What did the Romans do for us?' In this topic we will be learning all about how the Romans were so powerful and understand why they were so successful. We will be looking at key figures in history such as Julius Caesar, Boudicca and Claudius. We will have the opportunity to design our own shields and create our own mosaics within our Art sessions. Furthermore, we will be finding evidence of how the Romans influenced Britain.


PE Kits

Children must have PE kits within school. As the weather is still cold please ensure suitable clothing is available within school for outdoor sessions.



Homework will now be handed out on Friday and due back the following Wednesday. Children will be rewarded in school if this is completed and returned back to me by the date set. 


As always I am happy to answer any questions or queries you may have. An appointment can also be arranged for your own convenience.


Mr Rhodes  smiley


Hello everyone and I hope you all have had a fantastic summer. I am really looking for this year and cannot wait to achieve some fantastic things.  no


On this class page I will keep you up to date on the latest information and activities within Hansby.


Our first topic will be 'The Savage Stone Age' where we will look at life in prehistoric Britain. We will be learning how people were able to survive in The Stone Age and what their way of life was like. Furthermore, we hope to uncover the mystery surrounding Stonehenge and why it was built. On the 19th September 2017 Hansby will be able to learn more about The Stone Age at Creswell Crags. We are very excited for this trip where the children will have an opportunity to explore a cave, test rocks, build dens and be hunter gathers themselves. I wonder who will be able to catch a reindeer?

PE will be taking place on Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure children have the correct PE for these days and that children have suitable clothing to match the weather conditions as we may be outside. It is encouraged that children keep their PE kits in school for the whole of half term and then take them home in the final week.


We are delighted to have Mrs Berner helping us once again in Year 3.


Homework will be handed out on a Monday ready to be handed back again on the following Monday. This gives the children a full week to ask any questions which they may have about their homework. Spellings will also be handed out as part of this homework.


I am looking forward to the start of this academic year together. I am always happy to help with any questions you may have before or after school. If timing is inconvenient for you then appointments can also be set up. smiley
