
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y1 Lancaster

Y1 Curriculum Plan

Our Last Day Relaxing!

She's Getting Married in the Morning!

Beach Day Fun!

Bastille Day Fun!

Wheel Barrow Winners!

Trim Trail Fun

Sports Day Fun!

Castles and Knights Play Day

Queen's Jubilee Celebrations!

Summer Two


This is the last term in Year One!


How the time has flown! Our topic focus will be History and is called Castles and Knights. We will be involved in a playday where we will have a visitor coming in who will talk to us and show us things from the time of Castles and Knights. In English will be looking at the story George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell. We will do this through Talk 4 Writing so we will learn the story first before writing it down and eventually changing it. In Maths, we will be looking at directions and the onto Numbers within 100, as well as time. This is the term where we will be doing the phonics screening tests with the children. Please don't worry as they have a phonics lesson everyday and are quiet used to doing this. In RE we will be learning all about Shabbat.


heart I cannot wait! heart

The Queen's Jubilee

PE Fun!

Team Building while Investigating Materials

Summer One


This term is quite short, with only five weeks! Our topic is science based and is called Let's Investigate. We will become scientists and look at the different materials and their properties. In English, we will be looking at the story The Three Little Pigs; a well known traditional tale which the children will already be familiar with. We will be learning this through Talk for Writing and learn it so well that we will change the story and make it our own. In Maths we will be exploring numbers within 100 and all the different calculations we can do. In RE, we will be focusing on God; what we think God actually is and how God is shown throughout the Bible.

Science Let's Investigate Knowledge Organiser

PE Fun and Friendship

RE Salvation Lesson Fun!

When the Easter Bunny came to visit!

World Book Day

Spring Two


This term's topic is called Me & My UK which is a geography based topic focussing on the UK and it's countries and capitals. We will be learning loads of songs which will help us remember the countries, capitals as well as the continents. In English we will be reading Dear Greenpeace by Simon James which is a lovely story about a little girl who finds a whale in her pond! In Maths we will be continuing looking at numbers within 50 and counting in 2s and 5s as well as how to write them all. In RE we will be concentrating on Salvation as we have the run up to Easter. This means hot cross buns and the Easter story in the class!

Me and My UK Knowledge Organiser

Spring One


The new term starts off with a new topic; What's Changed? This is where we have a focus on History and will explore toys from the past compared to the toys that we have today, getting to have a look at toys from Doncaster Museum. In English we look at Paddington goes to London by Michael Bond where we change the story to our own. This leads us into creating a London Tour fact file which of course gets us changing it again to another place! This is all supported by our daily phonics lessons where we read, write and learn new sounds each day. In RE we will be concentrating on the Gospels; what are they, who wrote them and where do we find them are, amongst the questions we will be answering.


Children in Need; Spots, Stripes and Sports!

Super Science

Still image for this video
Mrs Kabesh having fun during science!

Super Science Dress Up Day

Science Week


Science Week kicked off with an amazing morning jam packed filled with science experiments and demonstrations from explosions to rocket launches! It was mega! We even tried to jump away into space but found that gravity kept bringing us back down to Earth. Brilliant fun! There was flashes of fire...but blink and you would miss it as the air ran out so the fire went out. Such wonderful fun!

Autumn Term Two


Our topic changes this term. Still science but it is called Autumn Days when the Grass is Jewelled. During this time, we are going to be looking at why the leaves fall from the trees and all of the seasonal changes that comes with Autumn. We will also be getting ready for the Nativity so do not be surprised if the children start singing lovely Nativity Songs and Carols!


In English we will start off by looking at poetry with the poem, 'Poppy, Poppy' which focusses on Remembrance Day. This will change slowly to making our own poetry through the book Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzi, the brave young Pakistani Activist. We will be continuing with daily phonics lessons and practicing those high frequency words to help with the writing.


In Maths we will continue looking at the whole-part model and seeing how many different parts we can possibly find as well as using tens frames.


In RE, we begin looking at Incarnation and the story of the first Christmas. This will link up in English a little later on as we will look at the Nativity story and understand what really happens.


Our Nativity performance will be on the 7th and 8th December, so watch out for further details either through ParentMail or by me. I CANNOT WAIT!


Jam packed full of delights for sure!

Amazing Austerfield


What a fabulous day! The weather was wonderful and allowed us to fully appreciate the area in which we explored. We went for a walk through different habitats and built squirrel dreys, birds nests and rabbit holes. We had a great time. A brief stop and play for lunch then on to learning about different animals and categorizing them. We even got to hold a bearded dragon and a snake! What a day!


 heart A huge thank you to Mrs Illsley and Mrs Butterfield heart

Autumn Term One


During our first few weeks, we will be reading the book Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag by Rob Sanders and seeing if we can remember our phonics from Reception class. We will be doing some fun maths, getting used to where things are kept as well as seeing if we can play our ocarinas! We will focus on the artist, Grayson Perry, and look at their love of clothes!


Once we are settled, our topic will be called All Things Bright and Beautiful where we will be learning all about different classifications of animals. We will read the story The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr, using this for our talk for writing in English. In RE, we will look closely at the Creation Story and how all things around us are precious...including grapes!


Please bring in your PE kits and leave them in school (fully labelled) as we may do PE a few times over the next few weeks until we settle into a routine.

Welcome Back to School!

Start: 8.50 Finishes: 15.20


A huge welcome back to Y1. I hope that you have had an amazing summer and are now refreshed and ready to start back again. You know where our classroom is, so please remember to line up outside the door so we can come in with a good morning to you all! Your pegs are labelled with your name for you to hang up your coats and PE kits, while the boxes are ready for you to pop in your bags.


Our class email is




heartI cannot wait to see you all very soonheart

Y1 Staff


Mrs Kabesh: Class Teacher

Mrs Holmes: Classroom Teaching Assistant & Intervention Expert

Mr Kirtley: Forest School

