WC 13/07/2020
Good morning Year 3!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend? What did you get up to? I can't believe it, but this is your last week of online learning before the Summer holidays!
Although I didn't get as long as I hoped with you, I have absolutely loved having you all in my class this year. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow and mature academically and socially, and show me what amazing, kind hearted children you all are. I can't wait see you all in September, where you will officially be Year 4s! Please come and say hi to me every now and then, I'm only a classroom away!
Have a lovely Summer Year 3, thank you for all of your hard work, you really have been absolute superstars!
Miss Bass
Please see below for this weeks learning:
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Purple Mash 2do's: Spring 2, Wk 1 Spelling quiz
English: Week 9, lesson 1: Comprehension
Maths: Week 11 Lesson 1: Commutativity
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read Chapter 6
Foundation: Circle of life
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Creating characters
English: Week 9, lesson 2: Comprehension
Maths: Week 11 Lesson 2: Deriving 6 times tables
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Book review
Foundation: Why is the world's weather changing?
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Prefixes
English: Week 9, Lesson 3: Identifying features
Maths: Week 11, Lesson 3: Deriving 8 times tables
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read Top Hat Academy chapter 1
Foundation: Complete Mr Dickinson's hand challenge! (On his class page, submit to his email)
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Co-ordinating conjunctions
English: Week 9, Lesson 4: SPaG
Maths: Week 11, Lesson 4: Partitioning method
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Chapter 1 quiz and Good jobs bad jobs activity
Foundation: Letter to Miss Bass
Tomorrow afternoon, you are going to write me (Miss Bass) a letter, explaining what you have enjoyed the most in Year 3, what you have learnt, your favourite memory and what you are most excited for in Year 4. Today, I would like you to plan what you are going to write.
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Writing a letter (to help with your afternoon task!)
English: Week 9, Lesson 5: To write a newspaper report
Please send me your non-chronological reports to my email
Maths: Week 11 Lesson 5: 8 times tables using partitioning
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Chapter 2 and quiz
Foundation: Letter to Miss Bass
Write me (Miss Bass) a letter explaining what you have enjoyed the most in Year 3, what you have learnt, your favourite memory and what you are most excited for in Year 4. Please send to me via email
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
If you have any queries or issues, please email me tickhillhansby@gmail.com
Good afternoon Year 3!
Parents, please let me know when you have received your child's report via email. Comments and responses are welcome!
Many thanks,
Miss Bass
WC 06/07/2020
Good morning Year 3!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend? What did you get up to?
Please see below for this weeks learning:
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Purple Mash 2do's: Spring 1, Wk 6 Spelling quiz
English: Week 8, lesson 1: Comprehension
Maths: Week 10 Lesson 1: Clocks
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read Chapter 4
Foundation: What is the reason for seasons?
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Co-ordinating conjunctions
English: Week 8, lesson 2: Language
Maths: Week 10 Lesson 2: 5 minute intervals
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Chapter 4 Quiz and story continues activity
Foundation: RE - What makes Christians unique?
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Bullet points
English: Week 8, Lesson 3: Identifying features
Maths: Week 10 Lesson 3: 1 Minute intervals
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read chapter 5
Foundation: Music - The science of acoustics
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Revising sub-ordinating conjunctions
English: Week 8, Lesson 4: Adverbials
Maths: Week 10 Lesson 4: 1 Minute intervals
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Chapter 5 quiz
Foundation: Why is the world's weather changing?
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Book club
English: Week 8, Lesson 5: To write a non-chronological report
Please send me your non-chronological reports to my email
Maths: Week 10 Lesson 5: Start and finish times
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Mr Jones activity
Foundation: Automatic drawing
Please send artwork to my email address
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 9 times tables!
If you have any queries or issues, please email me tickhillhansby@gmail.com
WC 29/6/2020
Good morning Year 3!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend? What did you get up to?
Please see below for this weeks learning:
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Purple Mash 2do's: Spring 1, Wk 5 Spelling quiz
English: Week 7, lesson 1: Comprehension
Maths: Week 9 Lesson 1: Compare capacity and volume
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read Chapter 2
Foundation: Why does it rain?
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 8 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Sound words
English: Week 7, lesson 2: Word meaning
Maths: Week 9 Lesson 2: Ordering capacity and volume
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Chapter 2 Quiz and diary activity
Foundation: RE - Christian celebrations
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 8 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Alliteration
English: Week 7, Lesson 3: Identifying features
Maths: Week 9 Lesson 3: Add and subtract capacity and volume
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read chapter 3
Foundation: Music - The circle challenge
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 8 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Reading and understanding texts
English: Week 7, Lesson 4: Sub-ordinate clauses
Maths: Week 9 Lesson 4: Solving problems
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Read chapter 3
Foundation: Music - Singing with different dynamics and emotions
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 8 times tables!
PE: Wake up, shake up!
Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!
SPaG: Using prefixes
English: Week 7, Lesson 5: To write a letter
Please send me your letters to my email
Maths: Week 9 Lesson 5: Estimate mass and capacity
Reading: Purple Mash 2do's: Conversation activity
Foundation: Why does the UK have wild weather?
Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 8 times tables!
If you have any queries or issues, please email me tickhillhansby@gmail.com
Home learning in case of a school closure
From now onwards, home learning can be accessed via Purple Mash. If you email me via tickhillhansby@gmail.com then I can give you your child’s login details. Any problems,
please let me know 😊
Please check here each Monday for a list of activities Year 3 will be expected to complete during the week.
Hello Hansby! 😊
9am: Get active!
Every day in school this week, we will be joining Joe Wicks to wake ourselves up with a fun 30 minute P.E lesson live from his YouTube account. Click and follow this link to start your day off the right way! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
Week commencing 23rd March 2020
Write a discussion piece of writing in answer the question Should Robin Hood have stolen from the rich?
Remember, a discussion piece of writing weighs us both sides of an argument equally.
You should begin to plan this discussion through researching both sides of the argument and thinking about how Robin stealing from the rich was a good thing, and how it might have not been such a good thing, and the impact it had.
Success criteria:
Looking forward to reading your discussion pieces! Having practised our typing skills in computing, please type up your discussion and send by Friday 3rd April 2020 to the email: tickhillhansby@gmail.com
Guided Reading and SPaG
Read to yourself, or someone else (at least 15 minutes a day)
https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/free-home-learning-packs/ - Download Year 3 pack, which contains Guided Reading, SPaG and Maths activities.
Times Table Rockstars (15 minutes each day)
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ - Maths activities
Practise telling the time using analogue and digital clocks
Monday: Classroom secrets https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/free-home-learning-packs/ pages 2-8 (ordering numbers)
Tuesday: https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/free-home-learning-packs/ pages 8-13 (addition and subtraction)
Wednesday - Friday: https://www.sumdog.com/ - usernames and passwords have been sent home. I have set challenges to be completed based on telling the time to the nearest minute
Create a piece of wild art using outdoor resources (sticks, leaves etc)
Paint, sketch, or create a model of the Majestic Major Oak. If you have any pictures of projects you would like me to see, please email to tickhillhansby@gmail.com
If boredom strikes!...
Remember our core values - they matter at home as well! 😊
This is your turn to shine, and I know you will shine brightly!
In D&T this term, Year 3 will be designing and making catapults! To build their structure, they used Lego as a way of experimenting with various ideas in their groups.
Welcome back!
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break, and feel as ready as I am for the new year!
We have an exciting term ahead of us! In Topic, we will be focusing on The Romans, where we will imagine life as a Roman soldier, learn about the tales of Boudicca, Augustus Caesar and Julius Caesar, and how the Roman’s have impacted Britain today. In line with this subject, we will be learn about the desctruction of Pompeii, as we explore Christina Balitt’s ‘Escape from Pompeii’ book in Guided Reading. In English, we will learn and understand how to write a biography; focusing on the biographies based on Boudicca and Julius Caesar. This term, Year 3 have the fantastic opportunity to carry out a range of Science experiments, focused on Magnets and forces, which will be taught by Mrs Allen.
This term, Year 3 will not be continuing Forest school, and instead, will have Mrs Allen to teach them Science on a Wednesday afternoon.
Any questions, or you wish to simply talk to me about your child’s learning, please feel free to approach me before, or after school 😊
Miss Bass
Welcome back!
I hope you you all had a lovely Summer holiday and feel ready and refreshed for the new school year! This term, year 3 will be spending the first term focusing on the Stone Age era, which includes going on our first exciting trip to Creswell Crags, where we will spend the day imagining life as cavemen. In English, alongside our focus on our class text ‘Stig of the Dump’ we will be writing instructional texts and narratives. In Maths, we will be recapping number and calculation strategies and place value.
PE will be every Wednesday, so please make sure your child brings their PE kits to keep in the cloakroom until half term.
Forest school will be with Mr Kirtley every Friday, so please make sure your child has sensible clothing for outdoors, a waterproof coat and appropriate footwear.
Homework books due every Friday, for new homework to be given out.
Reading books will be changed every Thursday.
If you have any questions about your child’s learning, or simply want to chat, please feel free to come and talk to me before of after school.
Thank you!
Miss Bass 😊