
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Year 1 Lancaster

We are Year 1 and our class is called Lancaster. Miss Hofman is our Teacher. Our TA is Mrs Bryant.


In the Autumn term our topic is 'Where Will My Wellies Take Me?'. We will be doing lots of topic work about different countries and other exciting things.

Our topic for the first half of the Spring term is 'Tickhill'. We will be basing our topic work on Tickhill and, weather permitting, hope to be out and about in Tickhill. We will be visiting St Mary's Church as part of our topic and RE work.

Our topic for Spring 2 is 'Florence Nightingale'. We will launch our topic with a visit from Tempest Fugit and will learn about Florence's early life, experiences during the Crimean War and her contributions to modern nursing and hosptials.

During the summer term we will be learning about plants and growing during our topic 'How does your garden grow?'.


We need pumps or indoor shoes to change into when we are in school so we don’t dirty our beautiful rugs and so we can move around school quietly.


Our P.E days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays but we need our PE kits in school all week, in case Mrs P takes us out for extra PE smiley **Please can the children have trainers/ pumps for outside PE and using the Trim Trail. If you are happy for your child to wear their school shoes on the Trim Trail please let me know**


Our reading books are changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please use the reading diary to let us know that the book has been read and how your child has coped.

**Remember, it is important that the children understand the book they are reading and can talk about different bits - what has happened? What do they think is going to happen? What is their favourite bit and why? Would they change anything? Why?**


If you have any issues/ problems/ concerns PLEASE don't hesitate to see us no matter how small. 

Thank you for your support this year.


Important Dates for your diary


  • 19th September - Individual photos
  • 26th September - Harvest Service in Church at 1.30pm (led by Y4)
  • 7th October - Parents Evening
  • 24th October - Break Up for half term
  • 3rd December - Christingle service in church at 1.30pm (led by Y2)
  • 9th December - KS1 Nativity performance at 2.00pm
  • 10th December - KS1 Nativity performance at 2.00pm
  • 18th December - Christmas party
  • 19th December - Christmas Church service at 1.30pm
  • 19th December - Break up for Christmas
  • 12th February: School Closes for half term
  • 23rd February: School Reopens
  • 26th February: Tempest Fugit - Topic launch
  • 6th March: World Book Day - please can the children come to school dressed as a book character
  • 6th March: Lancaster class assembly - all parents/ carers are very welcome to join us, more details to follow
  • 27th March: Easter church service
  • 27th March: School Closes for Easter

Shape Hunt

Puzzle Day at Hill House

Shape Work - Split pin robots

Lancaster enjoy Indian Day

Sorting Autumn Treasure
