
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y6 Foljambe

 Welcome back to our Summer two half term - our last half term for Foljambe, it doesn't seem more than five minutes since we began year 6; now SATS are over, summer production is under way, fun has been had on our residential to Walesby and we are preparing for transition to new schools.     We have another exciting and busy half  term to look forward to - year 6 education continues apace!  

We will continue our topic  this term on  "What Goes Around Comes Around."  It is a science based topic investigating humans and other animals.  We will learn to identify and name parts of the circulatory system and be able to explain specific functions of the lings within that system.  We shall study the processes of water and nutrients being transported around the body and learn about the beneficial impact of a healthy diet and exercise on the body as well as how smoking and drinking alcohol can impact negatively on the body.  The children will discuss how to describe the most appropriate type of investigations, take repeated readings and report the degree of trust in a set of results.

In English we will be reading "Pig Heart Boy" by Marjorie Blackman.  This text will enable us to discuss many issues surrounding transplants and strengthen our teaching on acceptance and tolerance. 

Work is already under way for our Summer production (exciting!)  We all have roles and need to learn our lines using intonation, we are busily creating scenery and props, please check regularly for any requests we need to put out.

 In art we will be looking at using textiles and practicing our sewing techniques!  We will also extend our art to creating images  in the style of Fauvism to state "This is Me" following  our PSHE lessons on the book The Princesses have a Ball, this is based on removing stereotypes for careers as the children move on to secondary and consider their futures.

In music we will continue to learn to play the recorder and hope to be able to entertain our Reception buddies very soon! We will be learning about/start to recognise some of Carole King’s compositions and music starting with "You've got a friend"

We also have our end of year church leavers service to prepare for and look forward to, I do hope many of you will be able to join us for that.

Homework will be given on Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday.  Please don't struggle with homework, just ask Mrs Allen or myself for any guidance.  

P.E. is timetabled for Monday afternoon, however please ensure P.E. kits are in school all week as sometimes we have other opportunities such as the cricket which was on Wednesday afternoons.


Dates for your diary:

8th & 9th July 5.30p.m. Hoodwinked - a swashbuckling musical presented by Year 6 tickets available from the school office.

Tuesday 4th June with our reception buddies - trip to Sheffield Cathedral - full school uniform and a packed lunch

Friday 7th June - School nurse will give a sex education talk


  • Monday 8th July - Summer production "Hoodwinked" - tickets available through the school office
  • Tuesday 9th July - Summer production "Hoodwinked" - tickets available through the school office
  • Wednesday 10th July - St Mary's Has Talent

You are most welcome to visit our classroom, should you need to discuss any matters please do let us know.


Mrs Lowe



Our trip to Sheffield Cathedral with our buddies in Reception class

Our biology lesson learning about the heart and circulatory system

Year 6 Easter bonnets

Welcome to Flounder and Flubber - our new Y6 companions - Lucky made friends with them too!

Our trip to Crucial Crew - we were given a lot of advice to consider with our growing independence

Science - Up periscope!

Mayan cookery - delicious!

Our visit to Tickhill library

Y6 Church Christmas Service

Christmas 2018 Party

Fair Trade visitor to Y6

Further Elf antics

More Elf antics

Elf being mischievous in the classroom

Y6 netball tournament

Our reception class buddies

Meet a creature

Chicken check! We had to say goodbye to our three cockerels who have gone to their new home on an allotment and having a wonderful time! Our remaining six chickens continue to investigate all that goes on at school - one was actually found sitting in the music trolley amongst the percussion instruments ( not sure which one they prefer but hopefully nothing too loud!)
