Welcome to Year 6 - Folijambe!
Welcome to Year 6
Our class is called Foljambe. Our teacher is called Mrs Exley and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Lowe.
This term’s topic is ‘Pirates’. Through the topic the children will experience a variety of activities to include all areas of the curriculum culminating in a performance of ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ in July. We will be looking at: the history of piracy up to modern day, famous pirates, pirate ships, life as a pirate and mapping.
This term’s Creative Homework should also take the theme of Pirates. Remember that the work can take any form – writing, Art, ICT. Some ideas include: designing and creating treasure maps, model boats or desert islands. A practical and useful idea will be to produce a costume for the production.
Again, just make sure you enjoy creating!
There will be an opportunity to share this work at the Open Afternoon on 10th July. Please bring in during that week.
Our P.E days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have a Kwik Cricket tournament on 6th June and a Golden Boot competition on 4th July.
We have lots of exciting events planned this term in addition to our classroom learning.
These include:
Residential trip to Caythorpe Court
Sports Day
Transition events
Open Afternoon
Production of ‘Pirates of the Currybean’
Final disco
In Year 6 we have lots of responsibilities such as House Captains, roles on the School Council and regular jobs around the school.
We are sad that this is our last term at St Mary’s but we are excited about going to our next schools.