Summer Term Two!
Wow!! We have reached our final half term in Nursery. How time does really fly when we are having fun!
This half term, our topic is Commotion in the Ocean. We will be looking at the seaside, sea creatures, creating our own sea creatures and learning lots of facts about the Sea. In literacy we will be reading Sharing a Shell, The Snail and the Whale, What the Ladybird heard at the seaside and Commotion in the Ocean. We will be sequencing these stories through talk and story mapping. In maths we are going to be looking at being able to describe a familiar route, positional language and placing the correct fish in the correct sea.
We will also be competing in our own Sports day and we will be getting ready for Reception.
We hope that you enjoy your last term in Nursery and that we enjoy the lovely weather!
Miss Burwell
We had a lovely time with Captivating Creatures where we saw lots of different animals in Nursery. There was a Tarantula, Stick insects, Millipede, Cockroaches, Snakes, Guinea Pigs and a Chinchilla. The children loved finding out about the different facts about all the animals. They were all so brave!!
Summer Term One
We hope that you have had a lovely Easter Holiday and are ready to get stuck into our next half term! We have some new children joining us this half term, we will be thinking about how we can be a good friend and help them to be settled.
This half term our topic is At the bottom of the Garden, we will be looking at minibeasts and thinking about all the items we can find in the garden. We have an exciting visitor coming in to show us different minibeasts and talk to us about how we can care for them. We will also be getting caterpillars and looking after them and watching them grow into butterflies.
We will be looking at the stories Creepy Calypso, Hungry Caterpillar and What the Ladybird Heard. We will be creating some of our own minibeasts and going on a minibeast hunt in our forest school.
Spring Term Two
Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a lovely half term. This half term our Topic is 'Down in the Jungle'. We will be looking at the jungle and the different animals that we can find. We will be reading the stories: Down in the Jungle, Monkey Puzzle and Giraffe's can't dance. We will also be looking at Easter and making lots of crafts and thinking about why Easter is special to Christians.
If you have any pictures from over half term, we would love to see these. Please put them on Tapestry.
20 Things to do.....
Spring One
Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas Holiday. This half term we are welcoming some new children into Nursery.
The topic this half term is Once Upon a Time, we will be looking at fairy tales by starting of with The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have lots of exciting activities planned from going on a woodland walk to find fairies to creating a picnic for Grandmother. We will also be looking at Chinese New Year where we will be creating lots of wonderful art pieces.
We are excited to welcome you back for another busy half term.
Autumn Term Two
I hope you have had a lovely half term and enjoyed some quality time together. Our topic this half term is called 'Whizz, Bang, Pop' where we will be learning all about different celebrations. We will start off by learning about bonfire night followed by Diwali, birthday celebrations and Christmas.
Throughout this topic we have lots of fun activities planned from making our own 'firework' to creating wonderful art pieces linked to the Hindu celebration Diwali.
When finding out about birthday celebrations we will share the story 'Kippers Birthday' as our key text and use this as the stimulus for our learning.
This half term I will be leaving to go on Maternity leave and will be leaving you in the very capable hands of Miss Burwell and Mrs Bevington. Miss Burwell will be joining us for a couple of days prior to her start on the 15th November.
We are super excited to welcome you back for the start of a very busy half term.
Welcome to Nursery Class Page
We have had so much fun in nursery during the first few weeks. We have learnt lots of new things already and are trying super hard to follow our rules and routines. Here are some pictures so far...
Welcome to Nursery!
Hello and welcome to Nursery! We are so excited to welcome you all for the start of a very exciting journey! As you are aware, the first five days are our transition days where the children will attend for mornings only.
From the 9th September, all children will begin their usual session times.
Morning Session 8:45-11:45
Afternoon Session 12:30-3:30
Full day 8:45-3:30
Settling in, getting to know one another and finding out about our routine will be our focus for the first few weeks. We will baseline the children in order to carefully plan for their next steps in learning whilst enjoying some fun activities! We will sing nursery rhymes, engage in counting songs, explore our outdoor learning environment and get creative!
Once we are settled, our topic will be ‘Marvellous Me and my Magnificent World’. We will be learning about ourselves our family, our friends and the people around us. During this time, we will share some lovely stories such as Hugless Douglas goes to little school and Topsy and Tim start school.
Miss Belnavis and Mrs Bevington x