
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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School Meals

Nut Free School

We would like to inform parents/carers that St. Mary's School is now a nut free school, as we have several children who have severe nut allergies.

Children who suffer from nut allergies can develop a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

If someone has a nut allergy, it is not just eating nuts that can cause a severe reaction, just being touched on the skin or smelling the breath of someone who has had nuts or a product containing nuts can trigger anaphylactic shock (which can cause breathing and swallowing difficulties).

First aid staff in the school are trained to use the Epi-pens (an injection of adrenalin) which is required immediately if this happens.

So please can we ask that you have no nut products in lunch boxes or brought into the school as treats eg:

  • Peanut butter sandwiches
  • Chocolate spreads eg Nutella
  • Cereal bars
  • Some granola bars
  • Cakes that contain nuts
  • Biscuits / Cookies that contain nuts
  • Peanut butter cakes
  • Some Asian food, including satay
  • Sauces that contain nuts

This list is not exhaustive, so please check the packaging of products closely.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

School Meals from 4 November 2024

From Monday 4 November, all children will be given a choice of school meal as there will be an additional option of a jacket potato with filling or a sandwich that alternates each day. For Nursery and KS2 children the price of a school meal remains the same at £3.30.

All parents will need to select their child's meal from the three weekly repeating menus available on ParentPay. The new menus are below for you to view.

To make a booking you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your ParentPay account

  2. Click on 'Book meals and places'

  3. Select one main meal and one dessert option. Your selections should turn green.

  4. You can move to the next week by pressing 'next week'. The bookings you made for the previous week will be saved.

  5. Once all selections are made, scroll down and select 'confirm bookings'

You must press 'confirm bookings' to ensure your orders are logged on the system.

Bookings need to be made at least two weeks in advance. This is so the catering company can order all the ingredients in the correct quantities. We are encouraging parents to make their child's meal choices in advance for the full term. Choices for the first week back after half term must be made by Wednesday. Any child who requires a school meal but has not selected their choices will be allocated the first main meal option.

All children now have the opportunity to switch on a daily basis between a school meal and packed lunches from home. Do not make any meal selection on the days when you are going to provide a packed lunch. Making a selection will incur an automatic charge.

If your child has a special diet eg vegetarian, vegan, no dairy, no pork etc and you have already notified school of this, when ordering your child's meal, they will receive the vegetarian/vegan version of this meal option.
