
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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TSM Parents Together

Welcome to the PTA of Tickhill St Mary’s! Not all schools have an active Parents Teachers Association (PTA) but our school is fortunate to have one. Some of you may ask “What does the PTA do?”, “What is the point of the PTA?” and hopefully some of you will ask “How can I get involved?”, “I am busy, but can I contribute in a small way?”….. The PTA is a group of parents and carers (mums, dads, grandparents, friends) who work to raise valuable funds for the school to buy extra items that the school budget would not normally stretch to. During a typical school year, we generally raise £5000-£6000, and we do this by organizing a number of fund-raising events. These include the ever popular school discos (each of which raise approximately £200), Christmas and Summer fairs (the recent Summer fair raised almost £900) and lots of other events which take place throughout the school year. The rugs that your children sit on in their classrooms, the playground markings that they use at playtimes, the outdoor tables you maybe sit at whilst waiting for your children, the projector used for film club, books in the library, music equipment, sports equipment, and IT equipment which your children have the advantage of using - these were all purchased with the help of funds raised by PTA-organized events. We have also contributed towards larger refurbishment projects in the school. The current term from September to December already has a number of events lined up. Our first event is the annual Duck Race which is held in the village and which typically raises in excess of £1200. We also have the school Christmas Card project and the school Calendar project, which together raise around £900. All parents are invited to join the PTA and we openly welcome new faces who are willing to lend a hand and get involved. We are a friendly bunch, all working together and we really need as many people to help as possible. Everyone can play a part - from baking buns (or buying them if you are not a “Mary Berry”!) and running stalls, to helping organize events and selling tickets for events. Even if you cannot help on a regular basis, we always welcome people helping out as and when they are able to. None of us works single-handedly - we all work as part of a team with a dedicated Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. And none of us are “professional PTA people” – we all have day jobs and other commitments, but we are all committed to helping the school for the benefit of the children. We try to alternate days and times for our meetings - daytime and evenings - as much as we can to allow as many people as possible to be involved. If you would like to get involved, please contact the school office for more information. The more help we have the more we can keep these events running. The funds are vital to help support YOUR children and YOUR school. Sadly, if there are insufficient helpers then it becomes very difficult to run these events and the children will miss out. Please do consider getting involved. Thank you.

For more information, please contact the school office.


Please join in, and help us raise valuable funds for the school, to support your child's learning and enhance their school life.

It's your PTA, for your school, for your child!


Check out this link for some great PTA ideas:

The Duck Race
