
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y2 Clarel

Summer Term 2 


Hello everyone and welcome back.  I can't believe it is the last half term ! Where has the time gone ? I hope you have all had a lovely half term break and that you are ready for some more fun learning.


Our topic this term is "Food Glorious Food" we intend to do a lot of food tasting, cooking and baking. We will hopefully take a walk down to Eastfield Farm and try out some of the local produce.

I think you will all love learning about food, farming and seeing the big farming machinery that will be brought into school. Exciting!  Our topic will help us to understand where food comes from and begin to think about making healthy food choices. We will learn about the meaning of healthy and unhealthy whilst doing lots of exercise. I hope the weather will be lovely so that we can do lots of outdoor learning and fitness activities. 


In English we will be reading the book Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. We will also be writing instructions for making pancakes and other delicious food. If you have a good recipe book then please bring it into school to share. 


Please free to talk to me about anything regarding your child's welfare at the beginning or end of the school day. 


Miss Chakanetsa smiley


Remember :


Please make sure you have a water bottle in school at all times. 

PE is on a Tuesday (please keep your PE kit in school all week)

Homework is given out on Friday and it is due back on Wednesday

Reading books are changed on a Monday and Thursday 



Summer Half Term 1 


Hello and welcome back! Hope you have had a lovely break and are well rested. Are you ready for the new term ? 

We have lots of exciting learning planned and can't wait to get started. Our topic this half term is called

"I am the King of the Castle"  perfectly timed with the forthcoming Royal Wedding. In the first part of the term we hope to visit Tickhill Castle as a way of launching our learning.


During this topic we will be learning about all the different types of castles and finding answers to questions such as:

"Why were castles built?", "Who lives in castles?" and "What is a joust?".

Once we know all about castles and royalty we hope to have our very own fancy dress royal banquet.    


In English we will be writing an information text about a castle,the book we will be using is 'What were Castles for? by Usborne'. It is a good idea to start researching the different types of castles in the UK, their names and where they are located. We will be discussing why castles are built in certain areas and what each part is for. Be prepared to know your compass directions North, South, East, West and follow a set of instructions to reach your destination. 


We will be doing lots of fun revision and preparation for SATS this term and as we say in Year 2 "Bring on the SATS !"


Please do not hesitate to speak to me at the beginning or end of the school day about any aspect of your child's education and well being. You may also book an appointment with me if required. 


Mrs Towner and I look forward to welcoming you back.  


Miss Chakanetsa smiley

Routine Reminders  


Monday - Book Changing Day  

Please remind your child to put their reading book and reading record in the basket for changing. 

Children will be reminded to put their books in the basket however,books that are not placed in the basket will not be changed. 


Tuesday- PE with Mr Kirtley 

Please bring your PE kit into school and leave it in all week. 

Please bring both your indoor and outdoor PE as Mr Kirtley might take advantage of the warm weather and do some outdoor learning. 


Wednesday- Homework is due in 

Please hand your homework in by putting it in the Homework Book draw. 

Children will be reminded to hand in their homework however,homework that is handed in after Wednesday will not be marked. 


Friday - Spelling and Homework given out / Spelling Test in class 

Spelling and homework will be set on a Friday and it is due back on Wednesday.   






Commonwealth Week South Africa

Fun in the snow #the beast from the east

Spring Term 2 


                                Brrr! It's Cold Out There! 


This half term we will be learning about Antarctica and the penguins that live there. To start our learning journey we will be visiting Lotherton Hall where we will meet some real penguins. Whilst at Lotherton Hall we will be doing some observational drawings of the penguins ready for our Art lesson in school. In English we will be reading the book "And Tango Makes Three" by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson. This is an amazing book that is based on a true story about two penguins that fall in love and look after an egg together. The egg hatches and they name it Tango! And Tango Makes Three. We will use this wonderful book as a basis for our Talk for Writing, story writing and Art. Our topic is Geography based so, we will be locating Antarctica using globes, atlases and google maps. In topic we will be researching Antarctica and studying the penguins that live there. I am looking forward to recreating our own penguin huddle and watching clips of Penguins on the March. If you know any penguin songs please share them with us. 


Days to Remember: 

PE will be on Tuesday(indoor) and Friday (outdoor depending on the weather)

Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Please put your reading book in the changing book basket on these days. 

Reading Records will be checked every Monday. Please try to read at least 3 times a week. 

Reading books should be brought into school everyday. 

Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday

Spellings will be given out on Friday and tested the following Friday. Most of the  words given out for spellings will be linked to our learning and from the Year 2 common exception word list. 


I am really looking forward to starting our topic Brrr! It's Cold Ouyt There! 


You can always catch me at the beginning or end of the school day for a chat.  smiley


Miss Chakanetsa smiley




London's Burning! Fire! Fire!

The Great Fire of London Art

Spring 1 


Happy New Year! I hope you have had a lovely break and are ready to start the new term. 

This half term we will be learning about the Great Fire of London. We will be writing reports about what happened before, during and after the fire. This is a very interesting topic that will encourage us to look back in history and understand what impact such events have on the present. As part of the topic we will be doing lots of different types of art such as, using charcoal to create different effects and mixing paints to make the orange and red flames that were seen in the fire.

In maths we will be doing multiplication and division then, we will move onto statistics. In RE we will be learning about the Jewish festival Passover. I am looking forward to learning about the Great Fire of London and writing newspaper reports about it for the rest of the school to read. 


Homework- Handed out on Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Please continue to log onto Prodigy to practise your maths skills and complete the challenges set for you. 

I will be giving out Timetables Rockstars usernames and passwords this week. Please log on to Timetables Rockstars to practise your multiplication and division. 


PE is on Thursday however, please keep your PE kit in school all week. 


Feel free to catch me before or after school if you would like to chat about anything. 


Miss Chakanetsa smiley








Making Christmas Decorations

Christingle Making

Making Clay and Paper Diva Lamps

Children in Need Day 2017

Welcome back smiley


Hope you have all had a lovely break. This half term our topic is "Festivals and Celebrations" . 

We will be learning about some Christian religious festivals such as Christingle, Christmas and St Lucia. In English we will learn about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Our story  writing will be based on the story of Rama and Sita. In addition to this, all of Year 2 will be busy preparing and rehearsing for the Nativity performance which promises to be spectacular.

In Maths we will be learning about money and then we will move on to multiplication. Please encourage your child to play shop and begin to identify the various notes and coins that we use. 


Reading Books- As usual books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Please remind your child to put their book in the basket on these days if it needs changing. 


PE- PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Please can children have both their indoor and outdoor PE kits in school, because if the weather is nice we may take advantage of this and go out for PE. 


Homework- This will be given out on a Friday  and is due back the following Wednesday. 


Spelling- These will be given out on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday. 


Please do not hesitate to speak to me in the morning or after school if you have any concerns. 


Miss Chakanetsa smiley


                                                                 Hello and Welcome Back!


I hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday and that you are ready for the new academic year.

We have lots of exciting learning planned for Year 2 and Mrs Towner and I can’t wait to teach you all.


Our first topic this year is called “What’s Alive Outside?” This is an exciting topic because, we will be doing a lot of outdoor learning, searching for creepy crawlies and planting flowers. The focus for this topic will be understanding the importance of habitats for both plants and animals. We will discover the difference between herbivores and carnivores whilst, exploring various living things. During the topic we will explore the terms alive, never been alive or dead and establish the importance of food chains and the need for the right environment for survival.


Our class reader is Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. This book will be used in English, Art and Guided Reading therefore, acquiring a copy is highly recommended. In English we will be using the book to learn about Sunny’s travels and write some letters of our own similar to Sunny’s.


PE will be every Wednesday and Friday. Children will need both indoor and outdoor PE kits in school all week as we might take advantage of the lovely weather when it arises.


On the 21st September we will be going to Doncaster Forest School at High Melton. Please look out for more information about this trip on this page.


***Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back on the following Wednesday****

The children will also be given a list of spellings on Friday which will be tested the following Friday morning.


I will keep this page updated with key dates and events for Year 2.


Please do not hesitate to pop in and chat to me in the morning or after school if you want to know about how your child is settling in or have any concerns.


Miss Chakanetsa no
