
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

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School Council

Recycled model competition

Student council were so overwhelmed by the generosity of our school as we received so many delicious, home made goods to help us to raise money for our compost bins.  We raised an amazing £130 to buy our compost bins and heap and can't wait for them to arrive. The recycled competition was fantastic and you all did an amazing job using recycled items to make interesting models.  Well done everyone and thank you from student council. 

School Council 2024-25

Easter Basket Competition Results.  

Well done to everyone who entered Student Council's Easter basket competition. Student council have voted and I've got to say, they are very impressed with everybody's efforts.  We will be rewarding everybody with an Easter basket certificate and small prize, when we return to school.  The votes were very scattered but there is an overall winner and 4 runners up for the main prizes. We will have a celebration on our return to school.  


1st:  Francesca Franklin

2nd: Lilly Herrington

Shared 3rd: Arthur Chambers,  Bailey Green,  James Podd.  


Well done everyone and happy Easter. 

Student Council and Miss Matthews.  


Elfridges Christmas Fayre Dec 2019

Macmillan Coffee Morning Nov 2019

Pudsey Visit and Children in Need Bake Sale

School Council Busy Baking for the Children in Need Bake Sale

Chinese New Year: The Year of the Pig.

Easter Bonnet Celebrations.

Tickhill St Mary’s School Council

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. The School Council at Tickhill St Mary’s CofE Primary School plays an important role in promoting the voice of the child. It is an important and useful way for our school to provide leadership and development opportunities for pupils. It allows pupils to be involved in decision making. Our school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.


Each year, every class will normally elect 2 representatives to be members of the school council. The election process requires candidates to deliver a speech to their peers, this is usually done in the candidates’ classroom. The candidates need to deliver a convincing speech stating why they think they are suitable for the role. The pupils that wish to be nominated for school council must make links to our school learning behaviours in their campaign speech. Pupils are required to say how they will embed the learning behaviours during their time as a school councillor. In addition, candidates should explain what qualities they have that make them a good choice. Some candidates offer suggestions of what they would change or introduce once they are elected in their speech. After all points have been considered, peers then vote for their chosen person.

Voting is confidential and each child votes for two pupils in their class.


To be a good school councillor you need to be:

· Good listener.

· Sensitive speaker.

· Trustworthy.

· Helpful.

· Committed.

· Reliable.

· Honest.

· A good role model.

· Able to work in a team (Musketeer).

· Ability to share good ideas.


When each class has voted for their two representatives, they are announced in Celebration Assembly. The new school council members are given a badge that is the same colour as their team house. The council then meet to elect officers such as, chair, secretary and treasurer. Elected school council members are then responsible for representing the views of all pupils and to improve our school. The school council meets - usually with a teacher present - to discuss ideas and sort out problems. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events. Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning Children in Need Day, National Poetry Day, Cake Sales or deciding the dress code for World Book Day.

Our School Council has raised money for the school through a bake sale. The funds raised have then been used to improve school provision. They have also, organised an assembly for National Poetry Day which allowed all the classes to share poems. The impact of this is that all children enjoyed listening to poetry and sharing poems. This developed the children’s public speaking and presenting skills. The impact of being apart of School Council is that it has made the members and their peers feel confident that their wishes and views are valued.
