Year Five 29th June
Hello my treasures. I hope you are all staying safe and working hard.
*** I am experimenting with Charanga Music. Email for log in details. ***
*** Parents - please email me with confirmation that you received your child's report. ***
** Comments welcome. **
* Thanks to those who have already confirmed - Gold Star for you. *
I have heard that a few of you are having trouble with Oak Academy. If this is the case, then please use the documents below for your next few weeks of learning. There are four talk for writing units to choose from, and a couple of maths units.
There is also the usual Purple Mash and Oak Academy work.
If any of you would like me to phone you for a chat, please email me and let me know.
J Mrs Buckle STILL misses you. J
Take care, stay safe and send me emails.
love, Mrs xx
Hi Early Learners!
A huge Well Done to those of you who have been managing to do the work on here throughout Lockdown. That is beyond amazing!! I've really enjoyed receiving your work and responding to it: it's been so weird not to have our lovely morning group and all the giggles we have as we learn!
On this final week, I'd love you to just send me a brief Review of a book you have read since we met. Give me a brief synopsis of what it's about, then be brutally honest! What did you like about it? What would you change? Why?Should I read it? Who do you think it was written for?
You are all so special, and I miss you! Looking forward to when we can all learn together again!
Mrs H :-)
Early Learners w/c 6th July
Scarbrough class have LAUNCHED off into space for this half term's topic
'What's it like in space?
We have a visiting planetarium coming to school on Tuesday 14th January, which we are very excited about. Look out for pictures coming soon.
Unfortunately we have had to say no to one child who was hoping that we could go on a class trip into space. The budget simply doesn't stretch that far.
Mrs B, Mr K & Miss S
J Welcome to Year Five J
I hope you have had a wonderful and relaxing summer holiday and are ready to return to school refreshed and raring to go. Year 5 is a busy and exciting place to be. Fascinating topics, new experiences, challenges and opportunities await.
This year, Y5 will be supported by Mrs Houghton, Mr Kirtley and Miss Smith.
PE kit should be labeled and brought into school. Our PE session is on Wednesday, but other opportunities may arise.
Swimming lessons will take place on Thursday mornings. (Not week 1). Children need to bring swimming kit and a towel in a suitable bag each week please.
Homework will be set on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. Please encourage your child to complete this independently wherever possible and to seek help if required.
I’m looking forward to a brand new year. See you all soon.
J Mrs Buckle J
Diary Dates:
Thursday 5th September. Perlethorpe trip.
Children need to dress as evacuees and bring a packed lunch.
Thursday 12th September. Swimming lessons begin.