Welcome to Year 4 - Laughton!
Year 4
Terrific Topic
This term Year 4 will be focussing on the topic ‘Tickhill’. In this topic we will be looking at the history of Tickhill, how it was affected by the industrial revolution and how it sustained itself. We will also be considering the Geographical sides of Tickhill; what the landscape is like, how the land is used and what facilities are available. This will directly link into our Art topic, looking at furthering our observation skills and building on last half terms knowledge of sketch work and use of watercolours to create landscapes of the local areas. Furthermore we will be taking the opportunity to have a closer look at Tickhill castle, the church and its surroundings.
Lovely Literacy
Last term we focussed a lot about the features and layout s of various non-narrative writing (for example: letters, newspaper reports and diary writing). This term we will be looking at narrative (story writing) and focussing on the great children’s story, ‘Charlotte’s Web’. We will considering the effectiveness of its setting, character profiles, the layout of the story, underlying messages and in particularly sentence structure and organisation.
Marvellous Mathematicians
This term we will be investigating shape and space, Symmetry, measures as well as securing number. In this time we will practice and consider both areas of written workings and mental jottings for faster more effective problem solving.
Extra Important Bits
Don’t forget to bring your library books back every Tuesday to gain a house point for your teams and the chance to change your book.
PE is Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays so please remember to bring your kits every Monday.
Please ensure children have a fresh water bottle in school to allow them to have a drink during the day.
Please ensure children have their fruit in a named container so they can have a snack during the morning break.