A Huge Goodbye!
As the year comes to a close, a huge goodbye and good luck is being sent to all of you lovely Year 1 children and parents from all of the staff! I am sad to wave you goodbye, but know that you will have a ball next year in Year 2! You have learned, had fun and smiled so much these last two years!
Have a lovely summer holiday and see you after the break!
Much love to you all
Summer Term Two
This term we will start our topic Castles and Knights and learn about all things castle and knight related! We will have our morning of fun where we will learn all about what happens in castles and when you are a knight. I actively will be encouraging you all to dress up...I certainly will be!
In English we will be looking at the book George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell... but not is all as it seems! We will learn this through Talk for Writing and end up changing the story. In Maths we will be looking at more strategies for addition and subtraction and securing our place value knowledge.
This will be our last term in Year One so we will be considering the transition to Year Two. We will do plenty of circle times and allow the children to discuss their feelings as we work on this.
I cannot wait!
Have a super half term everyone! Have loads of fun and see you in a week x
Summer Term One
Throughout this next topic, we will be learning all about geography. Our topic is called Me and My UK! We will be looking at our local area through English lessons where we will be writing fact files about Tickhill. We will be looking at maps in Topic and in RE we will be exploring God through the parables of the Bible. We will be reading The Way Back Home in Guided Reading as well Dear Greenpeace in English lessons. Our ocarina lessons will continue and a new song will be learned throughout the term, as well as our daily phonics and maths lessons.
Have a relaxing break and see you soon x
What a first week back we have had! Amazing!
Our Art is based on Yayoi Kasama, a Japanese artist who LOVES spots and dots! We have worked hard to recreated different dots using different materials, such as glue sticks, pencils and scissors which we pressed into the clay. The concentration and engagement from all of the children was purely wonderful. We will be using our skills to create some of Kasama's work based around pumpkins.
Week 8
Keep going children! You have done so well with your home learning. Let's have one big push this week to try our hardest before coming back into class again. I cannot wait! Keep practicing with your ocarinas as we will be playing 'London's Burning' for Mrs Sanderson when you get back to school!!
Spring Term Two
This term, our topic will be called 'Let's Investigate' where we will becoming scientists and investigating lots of different ideas and trying out experiments. Our work in English will be based on the story of the traditional tale of Three Little Pigs, and out reading will be based around Worm Loves Worm. In Maths we will be exploring shape, space and measure so get the measuring tapes at the ready! Due to the build up to Easter, we will explore Salvation through the Easter story during RE.
Remote learners will still access the phonics lessons each morning as well as the spelling tests on a Friday. Work will be available online for you to go through and I will ensure that you have links each week. You too will be looking at a traditional tale and continuing your work in Maths.
Hopefully this term, schools will reopen to all, so somethings may be different as the term progresses. You will be informed on any school opening dates as soon as we know. Fingers crossed it is sooner rather than later.
Week Six
Week Six is a little different as we are having a science focus during the literacy time. Have a go at the lessons and see if you can be a scientist! Maths continues with lessons and I have decided that the afternoons should be filled with Drama filled activities. Enjoy them. Please do not forget to join in phonics during the morning at 9am. The spelling test will be on Thursday morning at 11.30 instead of Friday as you have an inset day. (There is still work though if you wish to continue!!)
This is the last week before half term, so keep it going as you are all doing well. I love seeing you each morning as it sets up my day. Well done for the work you are doing; keep it up.
Happy learning
Week Five
Keep joining in with the phonics lessons every morning at 9am so we can see each other (and the class!) as well as learn a little bit as we go along. I have attached the next weeks work. Please have a go and see what you can do! English continues with 'making a paper crown' while Maths will look at differences and comparing within 50. There is more RE focusing on the Jewish religion and Topic continues to look at What's Changed throughout the years. Please don't for get to join in the spelling test on Friday at 11.30 where we might have a little sing song as well!
Keep going; I love seeing your faces in the morning as it sets up the rest of the day.
Happy learning
Week Four
We start a new unit of work in English; instructions of how to make a paper crown which will go over the next two weeks. In Maths we are looking at numbers within 50, which is the same in the classroom. Our RE lesson will see you will looking at the different ethos and ideas within the Jewish faith as well as having a little more Cosmic Yoga. I have added in some more Bitesize work for you to look at including a History lesson on Famous Nurses as we are looking at this during our time in Topic while discussing 'What's Changed?' I have added the timetable for 'Active Fusion' which is activities based around moving and PE. They are fun so please feel free to join in!
For those who have got paper packs or are completing the CGP books, keep uploading me them and show me what you have been up to.
So far, I have been super impressed with the hard work that both you and your families are putting in to make the Remote Learning work. Thank you all; you really are the true heroes of Lockdown. Keep going as you are all doing great.
Don't forget to register with me at 9am with phonics straight after. Friday will be our spelling test at 11.30. Look forward to seeing you!
Happy learning
Week Three
We finish off our Unit of English work looking at Monkey's and Hats and begin to explore our well being during Thursday and Friday. Maths will continue with numbers within 50. During topic we will continue to explore 'What's Changed' through toys as well as continue our Andy Warhol work in Art. There is some Cosmic Yoga to take part in, or you can get outside and explore your (cold) but beautiful gardens!
Keep it up; I am seeing loads of beautiful work. Happy learning
Week Two
This will continue the sequence of work from last week, continuing the English lessons. Maths will finish the time unit and go on to exploring numbers within 20. There is more Cosmic Yoga to get your little one active. The 'What's Changed?' Unit will continue for History looking further at how music has changed as well as exploring toys that have changed. There is a spot of reading with a comprehension and Art (Andy Waholl) which we are also doing in class.
I have also added on the spellings that we are learning in class for you to learn. Maybe you can have your own test at home with your grown up seeing if you can remember all of the correct phonemes!
Keep learning! You are doing a fantastic job!
During Lockdown, these are a great resource for you to go through and offer some lovely teaching, top ups and consolidation.
English will be looking at letters and making sentences going onto different types of sentences as well as using the joining word 'and'. The Maths focus is place value and exploring numbers within 50.
These can be done alongside the units of Week 2 work I have added to help consolidate the learning or can be done as stand alone units. I do not expect all of these lessons to be completed in the week, but are there for you to access throughout these next few weeks.
Happy learning
Spellings w/c 11.01.2021
Purple Mash (08.01.2021)
I have set some todos on Purple Mash. These are for anyone who would like to have a go at them. They include some history work (looking at old and new toys) as well as some phonics and art. This will compliment the work both in the classroom as well as remote learning.
Happy learning
Remote Learning
Following school closures, we have decided to make the children’s learning experience streamlined and as simplistic as possible. Therefore we will ensure that we upload content ready for Monday mornings. The Government advice is that primary schools should have approximately three hours of work per day. With this in mind, St Mary’s will concentrate on at least three areas of study per day which will vary from year group to year group and may change each week.
The work will begin from 6th January 2021.
To supplement your child’s learning, we will be offering CGP books at a significantly discounted price which the office will need to know by Friday the 8th January. These books have been handpicked by the teachers in order to best support the needs of the children. These are available via the school office.
Books for Year 1
KS1 Maths Targeted Study and Question Book - Y1 (code M1R11) £2.50
English Phonics Buster for Phonics Screening Check in Y1 (code E1011) £2.00
New English Activity Book for Ages 6-7: ideal for catch up and Home Learning (EPF2Q11) £2.00
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your class teacher through their regular Gmail address.
Happy Learning
Prime Ministers Announcement
Following the announcement yesterday, I am devastated that we shall no longer be a class this term. Please keep a look out on this page or on your email as I will update you at some point today (5th January 2021) as to the learning that will take place. Please be patient as this announcement was late last night and we need time to prepare and organise this properly. I will, as always, be here for you and the children and we will continue to do the utmost for you. In the meantime, read, read and get reading more as this is the key!
Please all stay safe and look after each other.
Spring One
Our topic this term is called What's Changed and we will be looking back in time as to how certain items have changed, such as toys and technology. We will be reading Paddington at the Palace in English lessons, exploring where he came from and how he has changed over the years during Topic. We will be writing fact files about London, using Talk for Writing to help us get it all written down.
In Maths we will continue exploring numbers to 20 and how they can be grouped and shared. During Guided Reading we will be looking the book, Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae. During RE we will explore the Gospels and read some of the stories that came from these, showing the importance of the text. In Art we will be learning about Andy Warhol and having a go at our very own pop art.
It promises to be much fun with lots of learning along the way!
Christmas Party
Our Christmas party day was amazing! We made placemats during the morning, as well as other Christmas crafts before having a dance, playing musical statues, doing the conga and of course eating loads of scrumptious goodies donated by you. It was one of the most lovely Christmas parties I have had at St Mary's, so thank you all
A huge thank you to all you lovely, supportive parents!
Guided Reading
We worked in twos in order to find the nouns in the text. We are learning that a noun is a 'naming word' so we were able to find nouns around the classroom before we searched in the book, Alien's Love Underpants. We were able to spot several nouns in the book, mainly underpants! We also looked for full stops, capital letters and exclamation marks.
For those at home this week (w/c 16.11.2020)
English: Continue with the poem, Malala, Malala. Can you use the same structure to create your own version of the poem. Start it with 'Malala, Malala, what do you see?' and continue from this point. Remember to add in your question marks if you are asking a question (when using a 'what' sentence) as well as exclamation marks. Think why we would use them.
Maths: We are using number lines to add numbers on. Using the number line to 20, can you add numbers. Make sure you do one big jump to the first number, then add the little jumps on. Use the sheets provided to record your answers.
Art: Use the needle and (plastic) hessian to make simple stitches such as the running stitch, going in and out of each space.
Topic: Watch the story of Rama and Sita on Cbeebies and try to consider how Rama is a good friend to Sita. Write this down to explain why.
RE: Can you order the story of the Nativity? What happens first? Cut out the pictures and place them in the correct order.
Guided Reading: Watch the story of Alien's Love Underpants further down on the page. Can you cut out the pictures and place them at the beginning, the middle and the end of the story on the sheets provided?
Purple Mash: there are a variety of activities for you to complete.
Happy Learning
Taking inspiration from Laura Baverstock, we begin to put our skills to the test by creating a simple running stitch. All the children concentrated well while we worked to create a straight line. It is harder than it looks, however we all created some stitches.
Well done Team Lancaster!
Autumn Two: Let's Celebrate
During Autumn Two, our topic is called Let's Celebrate! Throughout this term we will be celebrating poetry during our English lessons, taking careful consideration during Remembrance Day. We will be exploring different celebrations during Topic, looking not only at Christmas Time, but Diwali, Remembrance and others as we go along. During Guided Reading, we will focus on the story, Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman & Ben Cort. During Art, we will be focusing on textiles and specifically sewing! For RE, we will be concentrating on learning about Incarnation as we get ready for the Christmas period. Our Maths lessons will continue to look at numbers to 20 and everything that they can do!
Home learning will continue to be displayed on this page should you have to stay at home. Purple Mash will be up and running next half term to consolidate your learning as well as enhance it if staying at home. Any questions, please just email me or 'socially distance grab' me at the door!
Monday's Work (02.11.2020)
Phonics: ai, ee, igh and oa
Watch this video of the letters and sounds. Make sure you use the sound buttons to help you as well as taking 'photographs' of the tricky words.
After you have watched it, I wonder if you can write three or four sentences that have the sounds, ai, ee, igh and oa in? Remember to add in the correct punctuation, such as capital letters and full stops.
To challenge yourself, try writing a sentence that is a question, remembering to add the question mark at the end, such as Can the boat float?
Guided Reading: Alien's Love Underpants
Watch this video of our new book, Alien's Love Underpants. What do you think of this book? What is your favourite part? Why is it your favourite part?
While the story is being read, can you see if you can spot:
1) a full stop
2) a capital letter
3) an exclamation mark
4) How many exclamation marks are there?
Can you tell your grown up what this story is about?
Our new unit is looking at numbers from 11 to 20. If you can print these then have a go at the attached worksheet. See if you can circle a group of 10 and then count on from 10 to find the total amount, rather than counting from 1. If you cannot print out, then have a go at counting how many there are on screen.
Topic: Let's Celebrate
This term's topic is called Let's Celebrate. We will be learning about all different kinds of celebrations around the world. To start off with, we will be thinking about Remembrance Sunday.
Watch this video a couple of times. Do you know what is happening? If not, then ask a grown up to watch it with you. How does this video make you feel? Have you seen anyone wearing a poppy around Tickhill? Can you tell a grown up why we wear poppies?
PE: Sonic the Hedgehog Cosmic Kids Yoga
If you want to get involved with some PE, have a go at this Sonic the Hedgehog Cosmic Kids Yoga. Just follow Jaime as she takes you through an adventure using yoga! Have fun!
Y1 Creative Homework
Please find attached your homework for this half term. It's time to get creative and make something related to your topic this term. Please take a photo of your work and email it through to your class teacher. We ask that you do not bring it in after Half Term. Enjoy getting creative this Half Term!
Dates for your Diary
Monday afternoon - PE (please bring in your PE kit to leave here for the week, fully labelled)
Wednesday afternoon - Forest School (wellies)
Home Learning (not homework!)
Activities are set each week on Purple Mash and can be completed by anyone at anytime. Any home learners have immediate access to this as well.
Happy computing
If you do not have your password to Purple Mash then please email me on Tickhilllancaster@gmail.com. Should you not have access to a computer/laptop, please advise the school office and work can be obtained in a different way.
For those at home this week (w/c 19.10.2020)
English: We are starting to write out own story based on The Tiger Who came to Tea. Remind yourself of the Talk for Writing actions that we did for this story and for the story, The Hippo Who Came to Tea. See if you can write down two sentences each day, ensuring that you remember your tricky words and that you sound out words you are unsure of.
Maths: Use Purple Mash to access the activities to refresh you on your addition and subtraction skills.
RE: Talk to your grown up about the Creation. What can you remember happened? Are there any days that you think are special? Draw a picture of your favourite day.
Topic (Science): Do you know the difference between deciduous trees and evergreen trees? See if you can spot each kind in your garden. Draw a picture of one and tell me how you know it is deciduous or how you know it is an evergreen? I have added several 'to dos' on Purple Mash which are about sorting animals into different groups (mammals or reptiles) as well as labelling a flower.
Spellings: They are attached below. See if someone at home will test you on these!
Reading: Please continue to read your school book or any other books you have at home. Please record these in your reading record. Try to read with a grown up as well as listening to stories is fun too!
Computing: There is a 'to do' on Purple Mash which asks you to design a poster to promote why we keep our passwords private. If you cannot get on Purple Mash, then design a poster using paper. Consider passwords like you would your front door...would you keep this open when you leave the house? Why not?
Art: Can you do the three pen challenge? Using only three different colours, can you colour in a picture?
If you complete any work, then please feel free to send it to me on my email and I will comment and give you next steps.
Happy learning
For those at home this week (w/c 12.10.2020)
English: We are continuing the story 'The Hippo who Came to Tea' throughout this week. See if you can continue this, remembering your full stops and capital letters. Remember your Talk 4 Writing actions and see if you can write each sentence down, remembering to use the full page.
Maths: Use Purple Mash to access the activities to refresh you on your addition and subtraction skills.
RE: Think of three things that you are thankful for. Can you draw a picture of each one thing and write a sentence starting 'I am thankful for....'
Topic (Science): Do you know the difference between deciduous trees and evergreen trees? See if you can spot each kind in your garden. Draw a picture of one and tell me how you know it is deciduous or how you know it is an evergreen? I have added several 'to dos' on Purple Mash which are about sorting animals into different groups (mammals or reptiles) as well as labelling a flower.
Spellings: They are attached below. See if someone at home will test you on these!
Reading: Please continue to read your school book or any other books you have at home. Please record these in your reading record. Try to read with a grown up as well as listening to stories is fun too!
Computing: There is a 'to do' on Purple Mash which asks you to design a poster to promote why we keep our passwords private. If you cannot get on Purple Mash, then design a poster using paper. Consider passwords like you would your front door...would you keep this open when you leave the house? Why not?
Art: (Frida Kahlo) Can you look at one of Kahlo's pictures and state two things you like about it and 2 things you do not like about it? Why do you like or not like these things?
If you complete any work, then please feel free to send it to me on my email and I will comment and give you next steps.
Happy learning
Meet a Creature
The children all took part in meeting a creature. They listened to the questions about the different animals and were able to identify if they were reptiles or mammals. Those who wanted to touch or hold the creatures were asked to put their hands out, those who did not wish to were able to see them up close without touching.
Art: Frida Kahlo Inspiration
Our topic in All Things Bright and Beautiful which is focussing on animals. In Art we are collaging animals, using patterns from different animals skins to help us decide where to stick. We are using glue and card or paper to do this. We are working in small groups of four to ensure that our animal is complete. We will then hide them amongst leaves like Kahlo does to create a whole class piece. Great fun!
Outside Worship!
The whole school gathered for Worship this afternoon to sing songs on the school field. We all sat in our bubbles, making sure we were socially distanced and began to sing. The children loved this, joining in with singing and actions. What a wonderful way to end a sunny afternoon.
Autumn One: All Things Bright and Beautiful
Our first topic is called All Things Bright and Beautiful where we will be looking at different classifications of animals and why they belong in each catergory. We will have some reptiles and amphibians come into school so we can get up close and personal with them. In English we will be looking at The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr and You're Not Ugly Duckling; a fairy tale gone wrong. We will use these texts for guided reading so will know everything there is about these books! During Art lessons, we will focus on Frida Kahlo and her work on jungles and animals, creating our very own piece using collage. In Maths we will continue looking at numbers within 20 and work with manipulatives to explore doubles, halves, addition and subtraction. During RE we will be focussing on the Creation, picking up where we left off last year.
Although school remains a little different from what we consider normal due to the events of last year, I hope that we will soon get back into the swing of things. We must ensure regular hand washing and parents, please remember social distancing from classroom doors and teachers! Tapestry is no longer available but I am around to answer questions of queries, although we may have to organise times when we are both available.
I cannot wait to see you all
Welcome to Year One!
Welcome back to school. I am so happy that we are going to be together again in school and I will continue to be your teacher! I hope that you have had a lovely summer break and are ready and raring to get back into the swing of things. We are in our Year One classroom (last year's Year One class) so lining up will be opposite to where we used to be. Our start time will be 8.45am and pick up time at 15.15.
Our Staff
Year One Teacher - Mrs Kabesh
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Holmes
SEN Support - Miss Thompson
SEN Support - Miss Smith
Forest School Leader - Mr Kirtley
Year One Cover Teacher - Miss Belnavis
I cannot wait!