Home learning in case of school closure
Please check here each Monday for a list of activities Year 6 will be expected to complete during the week.
Hello Super Six! Welcome to your home learning Remember what Dr Suess said "The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go".
Welcome back to our Summer 2 term. What lovely weather we have had over the half term, I do hope you were able to enjoy it somehow. Benji is really enjoying his walks and extra time in the garden, he has finally has a haircut so he is feeling much cooler now! On his walks I have seen so many rainbows in windows and drawn on driveways, have you done one? We know from our R.E. lessons that the rainbow is a symbol of hope. On a run the other day I even saw some deer in a field in Tickhill just standing there giving me a very strange look! In Whitby we would have done a lot of sketching around the abbey and we would have looked at the artist David Hockney this half term, look at the youtube links I have given to discover more about this artist and try to emulate his style. We are also going to investigate Picasso and his art. We also continue thinking about fossils and animals over time, we would have gone fossil hunting in Whitby but first we would have spent some time learning about them and we can still do that bit.
Each day there will be core learning tasks set for you to do (English, maths, SPaG and reading), we need to keep your skills going ready for secondary school. There will also be one foundation subject activity each day, as well as our morning P.E. with Joe Wicks.
My wish for you now...that you have laughter to kiss your lips, beauty for your eyes to see, sunsets to warm your heart and rainbows to give you hope. Smiles when sadness intrudes, hugs when spirits sag and comfort on difficult days. Faith so you can believe and confidence when you are in doubt. Patience and courage to accept yourself and to always have love.
Week commencing 13th July 2020 Our last week as Y6!
This week we are going to do some year 7 lessons - I know you can do them, we have covered the a lot of the topic in class before lockdown, it will help to give you confidence for September. We are doing the same in class in school too. Don't forget you have all our fun science experiments to do at home if you're feeling a bit "bored". Or go to https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wild-activities-families-and-schools or look at the list further down our page.
Don't forget to check work for teacher comments
Monday - Word of the Day Challenge: What word class does the word belong to? Can you use it in a sentence, find an antonym and a synonym? - Challenge
9.00a.m. Rise and shine!
In school we will be starting the day with Joe Wicks on You Tube doing P.E. Find him each morning at 9.00 am and join us in the comfort of your home. You'll feel better for it! You could try Cosmic Kids yoga for a change -or as well as...
Spag - Go to Purplemash Spelling Y6 Summer 2 Statutory word list
Maths - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/perimeter This is a year 7 lesson but I know you can do it, we have already covered everything in it!
English - If you have not already done this - Please write down two of your fondest memories of your time at St Mary's, it could be a trip, residential, a sports day, being with your buddies, a favourite subject, what have you enjoyed? What are your memories to take with you, what have learned? Consider our school values. Please email your sentences.
Reading - Go to Purplemash 2Do - - Read Ch 1 A bit of a hero and do the quiz. Extension activity - A hero poem
Foundation subject - Art - Miss Chateneska is leaving us too, in class we have made cards or pictures to give to her, create one of your own. You can either drop it off at school or email it and I will print. Each bubble will be making something to give to her so I will include anything you send.
Tuesday - Word of the Day Challenge: What word class does the word belong to? Can you use it in a sentence, find an antonym and a synonym? - Forlorn
9.00a.m. Rise and shine!
In school we will be starting the day with Joe Wicks on You Tube doing P.E. Find him each morning at 9.00 am and join us in the comfort of your home. You'll feel better for it! You could try Cosmic Kids yoga for a change -or as well as...
Spag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbmv2sg/articles/zfqh92p, watch the video and do the task. It's Y7 work but you can do it!
Maths - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/defining-area
English - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv7cf82 Activity 1
Reading - Go to Purplemash 2Do - Read A bit of a hero - chapter 2 and do the quiz. Extension activity - A radio broadcast
Foundation subject - Forest School - Go to https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/03/kids-nature-activities-self-isolation/ chosse one (or more) of the activities, send us details of what you have done and I can show Mr Kirtley for his Forest School.
Wednesday - Word of the Day Challenge: What word class does the word belong to? Can you use it in a sentence, find an antonym and a synonym? - Conspire
9.00a.m. Rise and shine!
In school we will be starting the day with Joe Wicks on You Tube doing P.E. Find him each morning at 9.00 am and join us in the comfort of your home. You'll feel better for it! You could try Cosmic Kids yoga for a change -or as well as...
Spag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zr6bxyc/articles/zhqh92p, watch the video and do the task. Y7 but easy peasy!
Maths - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-and-perimeter-of-rectangles
English - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv7cf82 activity 2
Reading - Go to Purplemash 2Do - Read A bit of a hero - Ch 3 and do the quiz. Extension activity - The story continues...
Foundation subject - Art - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/alternative-approaches-to-painting-using-household-items-as-painting-imp This is one of two lessons this week ( we can't have a usual last y6 week in school so we are doing lots of art and Forest school and PE in our bubbles.
Thursday - Word of the Day Challenge: What word class does the word belong to? Can you use it in a sentence, find an antonym and a synonym? - Elite
9.00a.m. Rise and shine!
In school we will be starting the day with Joe Wicks on You Tube doing P.E. Find him each morning at 9.00 am and join us in the comfort of your home. You'll feel better for it! You could try Cosmic Kids yoga for a change -or as well as...
Spag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4hrt39/articles/zfbyb82, watch the video and do the task. Modal verbs in Y7? Simple!
Maths - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/rectilinear-shapes
English - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv7cf82 activity 3
Reading - Go to Purplemash 2Do - Read A bit of a hero- Ch 4 and do the quiz. Extension activity - comparing characters
Foundation subject - Art - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/using-household-items-as-painting-implements-and-paint This is something you could use in the Summer holidays on a wet day as well as now! Enjoy.
Friday - Word of the Day Challenge: What word class does the word belong to? Can you use it in a sentence, find an antonym and a synonym? - Amazing (that's what you are!)
9.00a.m. Rise and shine!
In school we will be starting the day with Joe Wicks on You Tube doing P.E. Find him each morning at 9.00 am and join us in the comfort of your home. You'll feel better for it! You could try Cosmic Kids yoga for a change -or as well as...
Spag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4hrt39/articles/zr726yc, watch the video and do the task. Can language exist without grammar?
Maths -https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-of-parallelograms
English - You are really good at writing letters, if you would like to use this time to write to any of the staff in school then use your skills, you can bring it if you are coming to the ice cream van or drop off at school, or email and I will print and send.
Reading - Go to Purplemash 2Do - Read A bit of a hero ch 5 and do the quiz. Extension activity - Book review
Foundation subject - Please come and join us (with an adult) on the school car park at 1.30, the ice-cream van will be there and there is one with your name on! And a special bag to collect from Mrs Allen and I
You are amazing! I wish you all the very best as you move onto the next part of your journey
Other ideas - Boredom is a state of mind only
record a show on your phone
Don't forget to have a look at our new worship page, it can be found under the children tab - enjoy
Why don't you enter our Easter competition?
Design your very own Easter basket, send your completed entry to our class email. These will all be sent to our school council page and our wonderful school council will judge and announce the winners. Entries need to be submitted by Monday 13th April.
Let's get creative and have some fun!
I just wanted to make you aware that Twinkle, an online educational publishing house, producing teaching and educational material have offered free access to all their resources for one month, it is totally free of charge for one month and I think it is a good resource to use for revision purposes when the children are not in school and during usual term-time.
Setting this up is really easy to do - go to ww.twinkle.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
I recommend the year 6 maths work for revision purposes, the year 6 and UKS2 reading comprehensions especially the 3 mark ones and the SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) ones for year 6.
The answers are given so work can be checked and the children can use this checking as their learning curve.
I hope you will find this useful if you decide to use it, as a free resource it is a good one to have (normally costs us!)
Have fun!
Welcome back to our Spring 2 term. As I sit here writing this I can see some blue sky and the snowdrops and daffodils peeping through the ground, Spring is definitely here and we have a wonderfully busy half term ahead of us. I trust everyone had a lovely break and enjoyed some R & R. Mrs Allen and I look forward to hearing about, and sharing with the children, all the holiday adventures.
This term we begin our new topic "What did the Greeks do for me?". An interesting question to ask. It is a history based topic and we will be learning about the impact ancient Greece has had on modern Britain including the notion of democracy, we will investigate how knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources as we describe the ideas, beliefs and attitudes of all groups of people in ancient Greece and how artefacts and ruins tell us about their culture, military and religious beliefs. I'm looking forward to our launch activity on Monday 2nd March.
Our class reader is "Who Let The Gods Out?" by Maz Evans. This book will give us opportunities to also study Greek myths and legends and we will be writing some of our own, as well as creating a non-chronological report on a mythical creature.
For LGBTQ month, we shall read the book "Worm Loves Worm" by J.J. Austrian. This will give us a lovely opportunity to discuss stereotypes and build on our school value of acceptance.
In R.E. we will be digging deeper into connections between biblical texts and what Christians believe about Salvation as we approach Easter as well as how Christians put their belief into practice.
P.E. will be on Monday and Thursday. However, please ensure P.E. kit is always in school as we never know when another opportunity will arise or a date will change.
Homework will be given on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Please don't struggle, or let the children struggle, with homework. Mrs Allen and I are here to help. Homework is a way of us checking that knowledge is embedded, so if it's not quite there we need to know so we can help further.
Our weekly Aspire club to help us in preparation for our SATS will begin on Tuesday 25th February 3.30 - 4.30 and will continue each Tuesday.
I'm looking forward to our new half term, should you have any questions or queries please do contact me. Feel free to look around our classroom and enjoy the celebratory displays of all our hard work.
Mrs Lowe
Dates for your diary: