Summer 1: Castleton Capers
Welcome back!
I hope you've had a restful Easter.
This term will focus upon Geography and our residential to Castleton. Maths will venture into Fractions and Decimals. English will look at setting descriptions. Guided Reading will look at Journey, a magical text!
I'm excited to get stuck in and back to working hard.
Mr. D
Spring 1- Welcome Back
I hope everyone had a wonderful festive period and that you are all ready and raring to go. This term will see us study the interesting and exciting period of history that saw The Vikings rule over Britain. We might even be visited by a time travelling Viking called Astrid to learn even more! Our class text this term is Beowulf and we will use this to create poetry. This term we will also write fictional and non-fictional pieces of text. Maths will see us venture into statistics and multiplication and division. In French, we will be going shopping! This term is even more exciting as we are attending Forest School on a Thursday. P.E will be on a Wednesday and we will be working with clay in Art.
I'm looking forward to a cracking term with, hopefully, no disruptions to our learning. Any issues or questions, don't hesitate to contact me in person or at
Lets live the dream!
Mr. D
Welcome Back!
Hello to the new Laughton class and welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful holiday and are ready and raring to go. Autumn 1 sees us venture into North America as we go on a North American Road Trip. This geography based topic will look at the continent's geographical features and explore the physical and human geography of this diverse area of the world. Year 4 always start the year with a bang as we perform a Harvest number. In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value and in English we will be immersing ourselves in Henry's Freedom Box. Moreover, in Guided Reading we will be focusing on our Harvest script. P.E days will be Monday and Friday. I'm looking forward to a fantastic first term back!
Mr. D