Welcome back to the Summer 2 term, I can hardly believe we are in the last half term of this academic year, I have enjoyed my year with fab five! As part of our SUDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage ) project we planted 500 plants in our peace garden and most of which are now growing well. Our chicks continue to thrive and we will soon discover which are cockerels! We released our butterflies, all 33 of them into the wild to continue their life cycle process so if you see a Painted Lady flying around it could be one of ours. We have had some lovely Summery weather and I think we should be can be optimistic for the rest of the term! Our topic for this half term is "A whale of a time in Whitby". It is a geography based topic and the children will be learning to:
Our launch activity is a residential trip to Whitby where we hope to have a whale of a time!
Linked to our topic we will learn to create tension in narrative.
In R.E. we will look at the Christian and Sikh faiths. In art we will be using acrylics to create vibrant landscapes from Whitby and 3D sculptures using driftwood, sea glass and other beach-combing finds.
In maths we begin the term with geometry looking at angles and properties of shape.
Swimming lessons will continue until the end of this school year. Please ensure P.E. kit is always in school as we have PE as well as swimming. We need to practice for sports day too!
So it looks like it's going to be a very busy half term but I'm looking forward to it and hope you enjoy hearing all about it.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 19th February trip to local smallholding - bring your wellies!
Thursday 22nd February swimming lessons start
Friday 2 March dress up for World Book Day
Tuesday 6th March day at Potteric Carr
Wednesday 14 March Parent Evening
Friday 16 March Creative Homework afternoon 2.30 (lower school 2.00)
Wednesday 21 march Mother's Day Lunch
Thursday 22nd March Easter Church Service led by year 5