I hope you have all had a good half term break and are now ready for the last and final part of our school year together. It has flown by very quickly and I have really enjoyed being class teacher to my current year 3 class. They are a lovely set of characters and I will miss them all next year.
This half term we will be looking at the Science unit of Forces and Magnets. During our first week back we will be getting together with year 4 and exploring and investigating lots of different " forces". If anyone has got old newspapers please bring them in and old margarine tubs please. They will come in very useful for our Science experiments during our first week.
During our Literacy sessions we will be looking at " Play scripts" - this will be followed by descriptive writing and poetry .
In Maths this half term we will be spending some time looking at Multiplication and Division, Reviewing Fractions and shape, space and measurement.
We have a lot to fit in so I hope you are all ready to go !
Below you will see an overview of our " Forces " planning.
See you soon
M. Evans
I am proud to include on our website page a short story by our very own budding author Boyen Chestnutt
Well done Boyen !!