Welcome back!
Can you believe that it is only 6 weeks until your children are in Year 2? I certainly can't!
In the next few weeks, we are going to be filling the time with as much exciting learning as possible- including carnivals, singing, sports, art, creating the float for Tickhill Gala and of course our trip to Eureka! Please find below details of the activities for next half term.
Phonics Screening week- information.
Phonics screening week starts on Monday 13th June. Further information, as well as advice about reading with your child can be found in this short presentation below. Any further questions, please ask.
Phonics screening check- practice materials
Please find below several documents for your children to read to help them practice for the forthcoming phonics screening check. This will be administered on the week starting 13th of June. The phonics play website also has many online games that they will enjoy.
KS1 Barbeque day!
Years 1 and 2 had an exciting day on Thursday 14th April- we made our own bread, burgers and passports, boarded a plane and flew to Australia for a barbeque and sing song! Sadly, the weather was very similar to England (as were the plants and animals- no kangaroos or koalas), but we had a great time anyway. The flight was also significantly shorter than usual as well. With many thanks to our helpers...
Welcome back!
I hope you all had an excellent Easter break. I will, however; refrain from saying ‘eggscelent’.
Please find below details of our next topic of learning, which is entitled 'Where In the World?'
We shall be learning all about the continents and oceans of the world, the environment, plants, its people and culture- in preparation for the exciting forthcoming Rio Olympics!
We shall also be doing lots of practice for the phonics screening checks in June. This is nothing for you or your child to worry about, we will be doing extra preparation in school- but if you can ensure your child is reading regularly at home and plays the fun phonics games linked to at the top of the screen, this will be most helpful. I shall also be putting online extra practice material as well.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
Mr Smith
World Book Day
We had a great time on World Book Day- we had two Willy Wonkas, Hermione Granger, the Mad Hatter, Robin Hood, Noah (complete with matching ark and animals accessories), a veritable legion of Storm Troopers, assorted princesses and witches, a ninja, a minion, a Power Ranger, Cruella de Ville - and even a Gruffalo! Didn't they look fantastic?
Weight investigation Tuesday 26th January
This week in maths we have investigated the weight of objects in our classroom. We have being ordering, comparing and measuring them using a mixture of spring and balance scales.
Here you can find the lyrics and backing tracks for our nativity production. Enjoy hearing them again and again as you sing along! :-)
Handa's Fruit Surprise- 24th November
As part of our Literacy learning we have been tasting and describing the exotic fruits featured in the book Handa's Surprise. As you can see by the children's faces, some of the fruits were liked better than the others! I wonder if your children can remember how the fruits were described in the book- and how they would describe them?
Hamster Visit!
Lancaster loved it when Cutie the hamster came for a visit! We learned a lot about her diet, behaviour and where she lives. She even had a run around the class in her hamster ball!
Forest school- Y1 and Y2 go wild!
2nd September 2015- A new term begins!
Hello and welcome back to school! I hope you had an enjoyable and refreshing summer. We have lots of exciting things happening this year, and we can't wait to get started!
Our Autumn Topic is "Aren't Animals Amazing?" and we will be investigating all kinds of animals, bugs and creatures through our writing, science, song and lots of other activities. Please see the attached document below for more information.
Also; please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries- myself (Mr Smith) or Mrs Bryant will be more than happy to help.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.