
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y6 Foljambe

Summer Term: Whitby

This term we are 100% into SATs mode! Our learning in the afternoon will cover the geographical features of Whitby as well as focusing on Computing, R.E, Forest School, P.E and Biology. Our morning learning will solely focus on SATs preparation with regards to Maths, SPaG and Guided Reading. I am looking forward to a cracking term as I hope you are!


Mr. D

Class Text

What's it like inside me?

Spring 1: What's it like inside me?


This term will see year focus upon Biology and the Circulatory System. Our class text is 'Pig Heart Boy' and will follow the story of a young man who has a difficult decision to make. Maths will focus upon Fractions again, as well as Ratio and Algebra. P.E will focus upon Tag Rugby and Health Related Exercise. This is a really important term for our class and the hard work needs to continue! Any issues or questions, don't hesitate to ask!




Mr. D

We thought about healthy and unhealthy feelings.

Welcome to Year 6!


Autumn Term 1


Welcome to Foljambe class! This first term will focus upon the history of the Ancient Maya. P.E will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday and my school email address is if you have any questions or concerns. Myself, Mrs. Chapham, Mrs. Vernon-Lilley, Mrs. Illsley and Mrs. Over are looking forwards to working with the wonderful group of children now in this class. I can't wait for an exciting year in the children's final year of primary school.


Mr. D

Year 6 Long Term Plan

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 1 Class Text
