Autumn Term One
Welcome to Year Three
I hope that you have had a lovely summer and are ready to get back into some learning. This term we will be learning about Stone Age and in History our work is called 'Rock of Ages'. During this term, in English we will be writing a set of instructions for 'How to wash a Woolly Mammoth' and in Maths we will also be looking at place value. In science we will be looking at different types of rocks, how they are formed and where they come from.
Indoor PE (gymnastics) will be on Thursday
Forest School will be on Wednesday with Mrs Burns
In this class you will find...
Miss Siddall- Class Teacher
Mrs Illsley- Teaching Assistant
Spring Term One
Welcome back after the Christmas Holidays. I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas. This term we will be looking at 'The Romans' and focusing on how they invaded Britain and all the things that they did for us. We will be reading the book 'Escape from Pompeii' in Guided Reading and we will be writing biographies in English and looking at famous Roman figures.
We also are going to have an exciting Roman day this half term, where we are able to dress up as a Roman. We will be looking at shields, writing in Latin and playing some Roman games.
In Science we are going to be looking at Magnets and forces. Following on from this we will be making catapults in DT and testing to see how far objects can fly.
PE will be on Monday (indoor) and Thursday (afternoon)
Summer One
Welcome Back!
I'm hoping you all had a lovely Easter Break and enjoyed eating Chocolate Eggs!
This half term we will be learning all about Robin Hood and we will be reading the book 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' where we will be discovering different adventures that Robin Hood and his Merry Men got up to in Sherwood Forest in Guided Reading. We will also be writing our own Myth and Legend and a Newspaper report in English.
We are also going on our Residential to Sherwood Forest to see the Oak tree, climb trees, make dens and do an archery competition.
PE Monday (Indoor) and Thursday (Outdoor)