Hello my lovelies,
It is hard to believe it is the end of the school year. I know things are a little bit different and we are unable to see each other.
I do want you know that I have absolutely loved teaching you and also learning from you.You are all wonderful and special in your very own ways. You all have such beautiful characters and have so much to share. Sadly, my time teaching you and my time at St Mary’s has come to an end.
I hope that as you go into Year 3 you always remember how brilliant you all and continue to grow and shine like the
St Mary’s Superstars you all are.
Thank you for making my time at St Mary’s wonderful and memorable. I will never forget a single one of you. It breaks my heart that I am unable to say goodbye to you all in person because of the current situation. When things change I will definitely be back to see you all and give you a hug or handshake. Just like we used to do every morning.
I already miss you loads.
Lots of love
Miss Chakanetsa
Hi my lovelies,
I hope you are all safe and well. I miss you all so much. It is hard to believe we only have two weeks left before the summer holidays.
I trust that you all received your school reports please could you email me on the class email address just to confirm this.
Home Learning is available on Purple Mash and I have attached a Home Learning Pack for you to use.
Please use the websites that I have previously put on the class page for your learning.
I would love to hear from you so feel free to send me photos of yourselves doing something fun.
Have a lovely week.
Miss Chakanetsa xx
Monday 20th June 2020
Hello my lovelies,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. The sunshine was a pleasant surprise. I went for a walk along the canal yesterday and I saw a swan taking off from the water and fly. It was such a magical moment. I also saw a grass snake slithering through the long grass. It frightened Gabriel and I a little bit.
This week we will be learning all about Germany.
What do you know about Germany ?
Where is Germany ?
What food do they eat in Germany ?
What colour is the German flag ?
What languages do they speak in Germany ?
You could :
Please continue to use Purple Mash and the websites that I have suggested.
Have a lovely week.
Miss Chakanetsa
Monday 8th June 2020
Hello my lovelies,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. The weather has not been great but, that has not stopped me from going on long walks and bike rides. I hope you have been exercising and staying safe.
This week's learning focus is Greece. I thought we could all learn about Greece and discover it's wonderful history and facts.
Can you name the capital city of Greece ? How big is Greece ? Where is it ? Do you know about the Greek Gods ?
Please continue to use Purple Mash and the websites I have recommended on this page.
Love Miss Chakanetsa
Check out this website !!!
This is a free website full of ideas for home learning and fun activities. Head to the Activity Zone for 100s of films, created by teachers, across loads of great topics and themes!
Monday 1st June 2020
Hello my lovelies,
I hope you have all had a wonderful half term break and that you are ready for some more home learning fun.
The weather has been so amazing and the sunshine has been delightful. I have been going on really long walks and eating plenty of ice cream as always.
This week's learning focus is the United Kingdom. I am sure you remember lots of facts about the UK from Year 1.
Can you name the capital city of the UK ? How big is the UK ? Where is the UK ?
I would like you to research the UK and create a poster encouraging people to visit the UK. You could focus on area or one part of the UK, find out more about it and write some interesting facts.
Maths, English and Topic:
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website is my pick of the week. Please look on here for some structured daily online lessons. Simply type in your year group and have a look at all the different lessons available.
Purple Mash www.purplemash.com
I will set work on here every Monday and check it throughout the week.
Classroom Secrets www.classroomsecrets.co.uk
This site has weekly home learning packs to take the stress out of these uncertain times due to the outbreak of coronavirus.Each pack contains all you’ll need to ensure your children continue to learn during the school closures. The packs are arranged according to year groups and can be downloaded and printed off to work on.
Oak Academy www.thenational.academy
This is a government backed initiative full of interactive lessons and learning activities that your child can access. Please feel free to follow the lessons on here and enjoy learning online.
Carol Vordeman's Maths Factor www.themathsfactor.com
You could try the 30 Day Maths Challenge and share your achievements with us. Think of maths like reading: a child should practise a little every day!
The purpose of the challenge is to embed good habits.
Art :
Create a poster that celebrates being British or shows how wonderful the UK is.
Yoga! Yoga ! Yoga! https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Have a go at Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. This is fun, mindful yoga that takes you through a story whilst stretching.
Monday 25th May 2020
Happy Half Term Year 2
It is half term this week! My task for you is to have fun. Go outdoors and enjoy the lovely weather.
If you have a talent such as drawing, painting or dancing then please go out and do what you love best.
Feel free to share photographs of you doing something that you are good at.
Chill out in the sunshine, have a water fight and eat some ice-cream.
Stay safe my lovelies,
I miss you all
Miss Chakanetsa xx
Monday 18th May 2020
Hi everyone,
I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I think it is going to be a sunny week this week.
Thank you for all the wonderful home learning photos and videos that you have sent me. It is great to see how active you are all being and all the learning you are doing. Please feel free to email me on tickhillclarel@gmail.com
This week we are still continuing with the theme of being healthy...........
You could:
Create a healthy menu for a restaurant or café.
Write a food diary and tell us what you have been eating for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Read James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dhal and write your own version of the story.
Make a delicious smoothie or healthy drink.
Cook a healthy meal.
Create an exercise routine just like Joe Wicks and try it out on your family.
Please continue to use Purple Mash and complete the learning that I have set for you on there.
Here is a list of websites with fun and engaging activities that you can complete:
Maths, English and Topic:
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website is my pick of the week. Please look on here for some structured daily online lessons. Simply type in your year group and have a look at all the different lessons available.
Purple Mash www.purplemash.com
I will set work on here every Monday and check it throughout the week.
Classroom Secrets www.classroomsecrets.co.uk
This site has weekly home learning packs to take the stress out of these uncertain times due to the outbreak of coronavirus.Each pack contains all you’ll need to ensure your children continue to learn during the school closures. The packs are arranged according to year groups and can be downloaded and printed off to work on.
Oak Academy www.thenational.academy
This is a government backed initiative full of interactive lessons and learning activities that your child can access. Please feel free to follow the lessons on here and enjoy learning online.
Carol Vordeman's Maths Factor www.themathsfactor.com
You could try the 30 Day Maths Challenge and share your achievements with us. Think of maths like reading: a child should practise a little every day!
The purpose of the challenge is to embed good habits.
Art :
Get creative with food. Can you use potatoes to print ? Can you make a potato person ?
Yoga! Yoga ! Yoga! https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Have a go at Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. This is fun, mindful yoga that takes you through a story whilst stretching.
Stay Safe !
Miss Chakanetsa
Monday 11th May 2020
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the lovely VE Day celebrations. Gabriel and I decorated our house in Union Jack bunting and had a social distancing street party. What did you get up too ?
Please continue to use the online websites that I put on here for your leaning.
Also continue checking Purple Mash for the work that I have set.
Some children are doing Carol Vordeman's Maths Factor and are truly enjoying it. They have received some certificates and emailed them to me.
Our topic in the summer term is "How do I stay fit and healthy ?"
Use this topic as an inspiration for your home leaning.
You could :
Create a healthy menu for a restaurant.
Cook a healthy meal for your family and write the recipe, ingredients and instructions for making it (please send photos).
Draw and label an Eatwell plate.
Keep a healthy eating food diary for a week and tell me all about what you have been eating.
Make a fruit smoothie using some of your 5 A Day.
Write a food based story. Like James and the Giant Peach.
Listen to the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes on YouTube and write a book review. Tell me what you think happens to the characters at the end of the story.
Create an exercise plan for someone in your house. How can they stay fit and healthy?
Feel free to be as creative as you like with your learning. I look forward to seeing all the different food based work.
Please stay safe !
Miss Chakanetsa
Monday 4th May 2020
Hello everyone,
I hope you are fine and staying safe. I think it is going to be a sunny week so, get outdoors and enjoy the lovely weather.
Thank you to all those that have been emailing me and sending me pictures of their learning.
You can email me your photos, learning or just to say hello on tickhillclarel@gmail.com
Please continue to go on Purple Mash and complete the activities I have set on there.
I know some of you prefer to download worksheets and uses different websites to access your learning. That is ok too.
Here is a list of websites with fun and engaging activities that you can complete:
Maths, English and Topic:
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website is my pick of the week. Please look on here for some structured daily online lessons. Simply type in your year group and have a look at all the different lessons available.
Purple Mash www.purplemash.com
I will set work on here every Monday and check it throughout the week.
Classroom Secrets www.classroomsecrets.co.uk
This site has weekly home learning packs to take the stress out of these uncertain times due to the outbreak of coronavirus.Each pack contains all you’ll need to ensure your children continue to learn during the school closures. The packs are arranged according to year groups and can be downloaded and printed off to work on.
Oak Academy www.thenational.academy
This is a government backed initiative full of interactive lessons and learning activities that your child can access. Please feel free to follow the lessons on here and enjoy learning online.
Carol Vordeman's Maths Factor www.themathsfactor.com
You could try the 30 Day Maths Challenge and share your achievements with us. Think of maths like reading: a child should practise a little every day!
The purpose of the challenge is to embed good habits.
Art :
I have seen so many birds flying around. Can you draw a bird ?
You could take photograph of the bird and find out a bit more about it.
Make the most of the weather and create some out door art. Use leaves sticks and twigs to create a collage.
Yoga! Yoga ! Yoga! https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Have a go at Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. This is fun, mindful yoga that takes you through a story whilst stretching.
Stay Safe !
Miss Chakanetsa
Hi Everyone,
I miss you all very much. I just wanted to remind you that you can email me on tickhillclarel@gmail.com
Please feel free to email me any work you have been doing, to ask me about your learning, to share your photos or just to say hello.
It is always lovely when I hear from you and I love seeing all the different activities you are doing during lockdown.
Miss you all
Miss Chakanetsa xx
Week Beginning 27th April 2020
Write an adventure story about a character from the Great Fire of London.
Write a story using your imagination. You could pretend to be a dragon or princess. What do you do ? Where do you go ?
You could pretend to be a character from a Roald Dahl book. What do you get up to ?
You could be Matilda. Think about how you use your powers to make people kinder or to change the world.
Please check Purple Mash and complete the activities that I have set on there.
Practise your 2,3, 5 and 10 times-table and corresponding division facts.
Read and write numbers up to 100 in numerals and words.
Have a look on the National Academy https://www.thenational.academy/ for some Maths lessons on Symmetry.
Read, Read , Read !!!!!!!!!
Read a book of your choice and write a book review.
Read a book of your choice and create some comprehension questions for a family member. They have to read the book too so that they can answer the questions.
Use the VIPERS to set your questions.
What happened to St Paul's Cathedral during the Great Fire of London?
Research the events of the fire. How many houses got burnt down ?
How did the fire stop ? What was damaged ? How did London recover ?
Try doing some gentle stretches following Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube.
Use your symmetry skills from Maths to draw a symmetrical picture.
You could draw a butterfly, a building or use your imagination and draw something of your choice?
Have a look at your face in the mirror. Is it symmetrical ?
What other symmetrical things can you see in your house or out on your daily walks?
We are learning about Pentecost.
Read the story of Pentecost and reflect on what it means.
Please don't forget to say your prayers.
Stay Safe!
Hello and welcome back !
I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and that you enjoyed the sunshine. Gabriel and I have been baking lots of cakes and eating Easter eggs. We even used some of our fractions and measuring knowledge to bake.
Why don't you try to bake a cake or some cupcakes and tell me what Maths skills you use.
Please continue to send me pictures of what you have been up to and I will add them to our class page.
My email address is tickhillclarel@gmail.com
I will update this page every Monday with work and activities for you to complete during the week.
Please continue to use the list of websites provided on this page to access online learning.
Week Beginning Monday 20th April 2020
Writing: Our topic this half term is The Great Fire of London.
Write a Newspaper Report about the Great Fire of London.
Write a Diary Entry just like Samuel Pepys did during the Great Fire.
Write some descriptive sentences about the Great Fire. Remember to use adjectives and adverbs.
Write some interseting questions about the fire. Remember to use a question mark.
Have a look on https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/great-fire-london for some information
Maths: Please check Purple Mash and complete the activities that I have set for you on there.
Continue to practise your 2,3, 5 and 10 timestables.
Continue practising to read and write numbers up to 100 in numerals and words.
Have a look on https://www.thenational.academy/ for some Maths lessons on 2D and 3D shapes.
Add and Subtract 2-digit numbers. For example 86-33=
Reading: Read, Read. Read !!!
Read a book of your choice and discuss it with an adult.
Talk about what you enjoyed about the book.
Who is your favourite character ?
How do you think the character is feeling at different stages within the story ?
History: Read and research the Great Fire of London.
Create a timeline to show the events that happened before, after and during the fire.
https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/great-fire-london is a good website for information and ideas about the fire.
Present your research in a brave and exciting way.
Why not pretend to be a news reporter and tell us all about the fire.
PE: Explore the Great Fire of London through dance and Music.
Look on BBC Teach and study Unit 1,2 and 3 .
Unit 1 offers three Music programmes primarily aimed at children aged 5 to 7 years old which include a number of songs to learn, including some based on well-known nursery rhymes such as London's Burning. Unit 2, presented by Pete Hillier, continues the exploration through Dance. The programmes were originally made available as part of Time to Move and again are primarily aimed at KS1 pupils. Unit 3 focuses on Drama, with two programmes inviting the children to step into role to try out the 'virtual reality' exhibits at an interactive museum devoted to the Fire. The programmes are primarily aimed at children aged 7 to 9.
RE: In RE we are learning about Pentecost.
What is the meaning of Pentecost ?
How do we celebrate Pentecost?
Read the story of Pentecost in the Bible (Acts 2:1-4)
Art: Use cardboard boxes and paper to make houses similar to the ones that burnt down during the Great Fire of London.
Draw or paint a picture of the fire.
The Great Fire of London started in a bakery. Bake a cake and send me some pictures of your wonderful creations.
Remember safety first so ask a grown up for help.
Happy Easter Everyone!
Please note that no work will be set during the Easter Break.
Check the page on Monday 20th April 2020 for your online learning tasks.
Stay Safe and practise your three timetables.
I miss you all
Miss Chakanetsa
Monday 30th March 2020
Write a an adventure story.
You could write about the adventures of Mary Seacole or Sunny the Meerkat.
Remember to use adjectives, full stops and capital letters.
Challenge-use adverbs.
Practice your 2,5 and 10s timetables.
Can you divide numbers by 2,5 or 10?
Challenge-write your own multiplication word problems.
Read a book of your choice and write a book review.
Research the great fire of London and write a newspaper article about it.
Create a picture of the great fire of London.
Monday 30th March 2020
Create a rainbow for your window !!!
Here is a list of useful websites for you to access some online learning.
Story time with David Walliams. The amazing author will be sharing a book with children everyday.
Phonics Play is a great interactive website for Phonics. This site has printable resources that you can use to teach your child. There are some good songs, games and actions that you can get involved in. If your child is struggling to read then please practise phonics for 15-20mins a day using this site.
The login details are:
Username : march20
Password: home
We follow a phonic's scheme called Read, Write, Inc. Ruth Miskin developed this scheme and is offering online tutorials everyday. Please follow the link below to find out how to access the phonics tutorials.
Alpha blocks is great to sing along to.
Please read, read, read
Read your favourite books and ask who, what, when, where and what questions?
Maths with Carol Vorderman
Can you find any given number between 0 and 100? Can you count forwards and backwards from 0 to 100? Can you count from any given number in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s? Can you create a number pattern and ask someone in your house to complete it? Can you write all your numbers from 0 to 100? Can you write numbers in words from zero to twenty?
Maths is fun is a great site to use. This link will help with counting:
Whilst working on counting, consider how many tens and ones make a number. You can make number sentences such as 8 tens add 3 ones is equal to 83. Then ask, how could that be written? For example, 80 + 3 = 83. It is important for children to recognis the mathematical signs and identify what they mean. For example, I know equals to means the same, therefore I know I can also write 83 = 80 + 3 but I can't write 83 + 80 = 3. I need to use the correct signs.
Maddie and Greg will be chatting about science nd nature every weekday at 11am.
Science with Maddie Moate on YouTube
Everyday at 9:30am Steve Backshall will be answering all your wildlife, biology and geography questions.
He will be sharing his explorations on Facebook.
Recap your work on mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish.
You could write a fact file about your favourite animal.
You can watch the animals at Edinburgh Zoo being fed live on camera.
Or you could use the site to research an animal of your choice.
This website has lots of exciting Science experiments that you can try at home.
Remember to ask an adult to help you with the experiments.
Joe Wicks will be holding free PE lessons everyday starting at 9am. Please follow the link below to find out how to sign up:
Dance with Oti Mabuse everyday at 11:30am or watch the class anytime on YouTube. Please type Dance with Oti Mabuse into your search bar.
Myleene Kass will be sharing her musical talents twice a week on YouTube at 10am.
Look on YouTube for more information.
Stay Safe!
Miss Chakanetsa
Friday 27th March 2020
Hi all,
I hope you are all staying safe and staying at home.
We now have logins for Purple Mash an online learning site that we have used in ICT.
If you would like your login details please email me on tickhillclarel@gmail.com
I look forward to hearing from you.
Miss you all
Stay Safe !
Miss Chakanetsa
Thursday 26th March 2020
Hi Clarel,
PE with Joe Wicks.
I hope you have all been waking up and exercising with Joe Wicks on YouTube.
His PE classes are available to view everyday at 9am.
If you want you can send me a photo of yourself doing the lesson and I will put it on our class page.
You can email me on tickhillclarel@gmail.com
Missing you loads, Stay Safe!
Miss Chakanetsa
Wednesday 18th March 2020
Home Learning in case of school closure.
I will be adding home learning to this page every Monday.
Write a newspaper report about Florence Nightingale.
Start by researching Florence Nightingale and finding out the work that she did in hospitals.
Read write and count numbers from 1-100.
You should practice writing the numbers in numerals and words.
Reading and Topic Work:
Research the great fire of London and write some sentences about it.
Use these websites to get more information.
Top Tips :
Please read with your child, every day if possible (for at least 15 mins), even if they are already a fluent reader.
Ask them questions about the text: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Practice counting/number recognition/times tables – make it fun! (TT RockStars)
Please not that Year 2 children need to practise their 2,5 and 10 times tables.
Please begin to practise your 3 timetables in preparation for Year 3.
Provide a quiet space for homework away from the TV/X box/ipad.
Talk with your child about their school learning.
Practice writing the numbers 1-100 in numerals and words.
Turn off electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime and take them out of their bedroom.
Spring 2
Hello everyone and welcome back. We hope you are all well rested and ready for the new half term.
Our topic this term is called "Who were our hospital heroes?"
This is all about the brave nurses that created history and helped transform our medical services. We will be studying Mary Seacole, Edith Cavell and Florence Nightingale. In English we will be writing the biography of Mary Seacole and we will also write some poems about Florence Nightingale. We will be cooking some healthy and delicious soup in DT. We will need to vote for the best/tastiest soup so please start thinking about different recipes.
In Forest School the children will be making stretchers and hammocks, also testing them for strength and durability.
As part of the LGBTQ learning we will be reading the book King and King. We will use the fantastic artwork in this book to inspire our own artwork.
ASPIRE club will be on every Tuesday after school allowing the children to revisit the learning we have been doing this year and consolidate their knowledge.
Please note Miss Read will be changing books everyday to encourage children to read more and develop a love for reading. PE will be on a Wednesday and Forest School is on a Thursday. We strongly encourage children to leave both kits in school at all times.
We have so much fun learning planned for this half term and it is sure to be brilliant.
Miss Chakanetsa,Miss Read and Mr Kirtley
Spring Term 1
Hello and welcome back I hope you all had a lovely break.
Our topic this half term is called "Brrr! Why is it so cold outside ?" This is a Geography based topic where we will learn about Antarctica and the penguins that live there. We will use maps and globes to name and locate the world's seven continents and five oceans. During the topic we will identify the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles.
To launch our learning journey we will be visiting the Deep in Hull. We will spend the day there and learn about the penguins and polar habitats. In Art we will be drawing and painting penguins using watercolours and wax to create effective backgrounds.
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers is the book that we will be reading in English and we will be using this excting book to inspire our learning. We have a lot of fun and excitng learning planned for this half term and I am certain it will be both memorable and enjoyable.
Days to remember:
Changing Book Day is Monday and Thursday.
PE and Forest School will be on either a Wednesday or a Thursday. We strongly encourage children to leave both their PE and Forest School kit in school at all times.
Please do not hesitate to speak to us about your child's well being or if you need any information.
Kind Regards
Miss Chakanetsa, Miss Read, Mrs Chapman and Mr Kirtley
Autumn Term 2
Hello and welcome back
Hope you have all had a lovely break.
This half term our topic is "Festivals and Celebrations".
We will be learning about some Christian religious festivals such as Christingle and Christmas. In English we will learn about the Hindu festival of Diwali.
Our story writing will be based on the story of Rama and Sita. In addition to this, all of Year 2 will be busy preparing and rehearsing for the Nativity performance which promises to be spectacular.
In Maths we will be learning how to measure length using centimetres and metres.
Reading Books- As usual books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Please remind your child to put their book in the basket on these days if it needs changing.
PE or Forest School will be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please can children have both their indoor and outdoor PE kits in school, because if the weather is nice Mr Kirtley will take advantage of this and go outside for PE. We strongly encourage you to leave both your PE and Forset School kits in school to avoid disappointment.
Homework- This will be given out on a Friday and is due back the following Wednesday.
Spellings- These will be given out on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday.
Please do not hesitate to speak to me in the morning or after school if you have any concerns.
Miss Chakanetsa
Hello and welcome back!
I hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday and that you are ready for the new academic year.
We have lots of exciting learning planned for Year 2 and Miss Read, Mr Kirtley and I can’t wait to teach you all.
Our first topic this year is called “What’s Alive Outside?” This is an exciting topic because, we will be doing a lot of outdoor learning, searching for creepy crawlies and planting flowers. The focus for this topic will be understanding the importance of habitats for both plants and animals. We will discover the difference between herbivores and carnivores whilst, exploring various living things. During the topic we will explore the terms alive, never been alive or dead and establish the importance of food chains and the need for the right environment for survival.
Our class reader is Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. This book will be used in English, Art and Guided Reading therefore, acquiring a copy is highly recommended. In English we will be using the book to learn about Sunny’s travels and write some letters of our own similar to Sunny’s.
PE will be every Wednesday. Children will need both indoor and outdoor PE kits in school all week as we might take advantage of the lovely weather when it arises. Forest School with Mr Kirtley will be every Thursday so please make sure you have your wellies and outdoor clothing for some fun and adventures.
On the 12th September we will be going to Potteric Carr Nature Reserve. Please look out for more information about this trip on this page.
***Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back on the following Wednesday****
The children will also be given a list of spellings on Friday which will be tested the following Friday morning.
I will keep this page updated with key dates, photographs and events for Year 2.
Please do not hesitate to pop in and chat to me in the morning or after school if you want to know about how your child is settling in or have any concerns.
Miss Chakanetsa