
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

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Y3 Hansby

Summer 1

It's going to be an exciting term now that we are all back in school! Our topic this term is Where's my Funny Bone? which focuses on health and nutrition, as well as animal and human skeletons.  In Science, we will be carrying out plenty of experiments around Light and Shadow .  In English, the children will be working with Mrs Houghton this term and carrying out lots of short burst writing, to allow the children to focus on vocabulary and sentence structure.  In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.  To tie in with our topic lessons, we will be Reading Roald Dahl's classic Fantastic Mr Fox.


Please remember that our PE will be on Thursday afternoon's this term, so please make sure your child comes prepared with their PE kits every week.  If you have any questions, or wish to speak to me about your child's learning, please feel free to speak to me at the end of the day smiley


Miss Bass

Good morning Year 3,


I hope you all had a lovely weekend!


Below, I have attached a document containing the timetable and links for Monday's (15th March) remote learning.  At 9:30am, there will be a live lesson with me for Maths.  I will be sending an invitation for you to accept via Teams.  At 10:45am, there will be a second Teams meeting to give children input for the English task.  I have attached the worksheets needed for this lesson, along with the Reading comprehension worksheets needed also on the document.  


Both myself, and the school will keep you updated on the news about when you will be able to return to school. Please make sure you send your work via my email ( once completed.  If you have any questions, or problems with the work, please feel free to contact me via this email address also.  


Sorry for any inconvenience caused, it won't be long before you are back in school again!

Miss Bass 

Monday 15th March 2021

Spring 2

What an exciting term we have planned! This term, we will continue to focus on The Romans, learning about the rise of the Roman Empire, life in the Roman Army, and the ruling of Julius Caesar, Emperor Claudius and the heroic Boudicca.  In Guided Reading, we will be reading The Firework Maker's Daughter, and alongside will be writing our own diary entries based on the book also.  In Maths, we will learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, nearest minute and using digital time too.  In our RE lessons, as we build up to Easter, we will be starting our Salvation topic.  


Hopefully, we will all be returning to school very soon, and I am so excited to see all your lovely faces! If/when the children return to school, learning at school may be a little different to ensure that the children stay healthy and safe.  Please continue to check your parent mails and messages for any updates the school may have.


Keep smiling! smiley

Miss Bass


Good morning Year 3!

Well, it’s here, our (hopefully!) last week of home learning! I’m so excited to see all your lovely faces back in my classroom again! I have posted the final week of home learning below, along with next week’s spellings.  As usual, live Maths lessons will continue every day this week, with the meetings open to join at 9:20am, in hope to start the lesson at 9:30.  On Friday’s live lesson, I will go through the timetable of what will be happening when you return to school, so you know what will be happening when you return.  On Thursday, it is World Book Day! With next week’s timetable, I have added some ideas you might like to do to celebrate World Book day.  Please send me some pictures of what you get up to to celebrate the occasion!

I am so amazed by how hard you have worked these last two months.  I know for all of you, this time away from school and your friends has not have been easy.  You have all blown me away with your resilience in remaining strong and carrying on working hard and having a smile on your face whilst doing so, and I am so proud to be your teacher.  Just one more week to go, keep pushing and working hard, and I will see you all very soon!

Miss Bass

Good morning Year 3,


I hope you all had a lovely half term! 

Below, I have attached the home learning timetable for next week.  I have also added next week's spellings - don't forget to ask a grown up to test you on them on Friday! As your grown ups know, live lessons in Maths will continue from Monday every day.  This term will focus on learning to tell the time, a very important life skill! Outside of the Maths lessons, please use your clocks at home to continue practising telling the time.  Ask grown ups to test you whenever they can, it really does help!


Keep up the hard work, hopefully not long until I see your lovely faces again in person!

Missing you all

Miss Bass

Home learning

Good morning Year 3!


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Below, I have attached next week's timetable, and resources for the week.  With finishing for half term on Thursday, just a reminder that next week is only a 4-day week.  However, with it being the week we celebrate Chinese New Year, and Internet Safety, it is quite an eventful one! I have attached suggestions on the timetable Powerpoint for both of these, and resources and activities to go with them, but if you wish to be creative and think of your own ways of celebrating and raising awareness for these, feel free to do so.  


I know we are due to have some snow this week.  Both the school and I will keep you updated, so please keep checking your emails.  Make sure to take plenty of pictures of your work, and please keep sending them to me!


Missing you all heart

Happy home learning

Miss Bass

Good morning Year 3!


I hope you are having a lovely weekend.  I hope you enjoyed listening to Mrs Sanderson read you 'Escape from Pompeii'.  If you haven't heard it yet, see below for the video.  I have the timetable with next week's learning below, as well as next week's spellings.  Make sure you get grown ups to give you a test at home on Friday! Following on from last week's live Maths lesson, I will be teaching three live Maths lessons this week! I will send parents any work needed for the lesson so you are prepared beforehand.  


You are all working so hard and staying so strong!

I am proud of you all smiley


Keep smiling!

Miss Bass

Escape From Pompeii

Remote Learning


Following school closures, we have decided to make the children’s learning experience streamlined and as simplistic as possible. Therefore we will ensure that we upload content ready for Monday mornings. The Government advice is that primary schools should have approximately three hours of work per day. With this in mind, St Mary’s will concentrate on at least three areas of study per day which will vary from year group to year group and may change each week.

The work will begin from tomorrow.


To supplement your child’s learning, we will be offering CGP books at a significantly discounted price which the office will need to know by Friday the 8th January. These books have been handpicked by the teachers in order to best support the needs of the children. These are available via the school office.


Books for Year 3

KS2 English Comprehension Y3 (code E3CW21) - £1.85

KS2 Discover and learn: History - Romans in Britain activity book (code HRB22) - £3.50


In class, we will be reading the book 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit.  If you would like to purchase this to read with your child at home then Amazon now sell the book online for a reasonable price.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your class teacher through their regular Gmail address (

Keep smiling! smiley

Good morning Year 3!


I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I have attached next week's timetable below, along with the spellings for next week and some reading comprehension activities.  Please remember to join me on tomorrow's Teams meeting (Monday 25th January).  On Wednesday, instead of our usual Teams meeting, you will be joining me in the classroom for a live Maths lesson! This means that you will have input and teaching from myself and Miss Read, and we can help you should you need it.  


I have loved receiving pictures of you all, and your work this week! You have all been working so hard, and I am so proud of you all, and all the work you have been sending me! 


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Keep smiling smiley

Good morning Year 3!


I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and made the most of the snow! It was lovely to see the lovely pictures I've received of you all playing in the snow and building lots of snowmen! 


This week's learning will follow on from last week as in Maths we continue to look at length and perimeter, and later on in the week, will be introduced to some multiplication and division.  In English, you will be carrying on your narrative description piece based on the 'BFG'.  In Topic, you will spend a few more lessons learning about the Romans, how they invaded Britain, and their thoughts and beliefs.  This week, you will also be introduced to this term's Science topic, Magnets! Please make sure any work completed is either sent, or a picture is taken and sent to my email (


As of this week, we will hold a daily Teams meeting at 9:30am.  I have already set one up for tomorrow, so parents should have received an invitation to this.  This is so we can take a register, see how you are all doing and so I can see your lovely faces, and to go over the learning for the day.  Below are this week's spellings.  On Friday's Teams meeting, I will be doing a spelling test based on these spellings, so make sure you learn them! 


Keep up the hard work, I am missing you all!


Happy home learning heart

Good morning Year 3!


Please remember that there will be a teams meeting on Monday morning (11th January) at 9:30.  I have sent parents an invite, and the office have sent out instructions on how to use Teams (I too, will be Reading this!)

This week we will continue our sequence of learning following last week.  In English, you will be continuing to anaylse the opening scene of the BFG and gathering key vocabulary in order to begin writing your opening.  Please send me these via my email.  I can't wait to read them! smiley Maths will continue to focus on measuring the length of an object, and starting to compare units of measurement.  In topic, you will be continuing to learn all about the Romans, and how they conquered Britain.  I have added some additional BBC Bitesize links on Tuesday and Wednesday for you to also have a look at. On Friday, it's time to get creative! Use the template I have attached below to draw and design your very own Roman shield! If you're feeling super creative, and your grown ups have some spare cardboard lying around, click on the Youtube link given on the timetable and have a go at making one! Please send me a picture of your designs via email, I would love to see your amazing work! laugh Below, I have also added some handwriting practise following our school's handwriting policy for you to keep working on.


I have also added this weeks spellings, which I will add every Sunday from now on.  Perhaps every Monday you could have a spelling test of your own at home! Let me know how you get on smiley


You are all doing such an amazing job, and I'm proud of you all! 

Happy learning heart

Supporting daily routines

Still image for this video

Good morning smiley


I hope you all had a lovely weekend! As you know, school will be closed on Monday, so as said in my email, I have set work for the children to complete online.  Please follow the links below:

PE: Wake up, shake up!

Get those brains in gear, and wake yourself up with some Joe Wicks, or even try some Yoga!

SPaG: Using apostrophes to contract and combine

English: Identifying the main characters

Maths: Pictograms

Reading: Using a dictionary

Foundation: Who was Jesus?

Rockstars/Hit the button: This week, focus on 3,4 and 5 times tables!


Any problems, or work that needs to be sent, please email me via


Thanks smiley

Miss Bass


An afternoon as a hunter/gatherer

Y3 Creative Homework - Please find attached your homework for this half term. It's time to get creative and make something related to your topic this term. Please take a photo of your work and email it through to your class teacher. We ask that you do not bring it in after Half Term. Enjoy getting creative this Half Term!

Y3 Maths online platform letter with information for parents on how to set it up for your child/ren

Welcome back! smiley


I hope you all had a lovely Summer holiday and feel ready and refreshed for the new school year! I can’t wait to see you all! Year 3 will be a busy year, jam packed with interesting topics to learn about, new challenges and lots of fun! This year, Year 3 will be supported by Mrs Harman and Mrs Over.


Forest school will be with Mr Kirtley every Thursday, so please make sure you have sensible clothing for outdoors, a waterproof coat and appropriate footwear.


Homework will be set every Friday, and is to be handed in the following Wednesday.  

I can’t wait to see you all your lovely faces!


If parents need to contacts me, please email me via


Miss Bass 
