22.06.17 - homework
To design a creature / robot / alien etc made purely of 3D and 2D shapes
Summer Term
Important Dates and Info:
1. This half term's topic is 'I'm the king of the castle' Where we will be basing the majority of our learning around the story 'Hodgeheg'.
2. Parent's Open Afternoon (instead of parent's evening) for this term - 5th July 2017.
3. Creative Homework Show - 5th July 2017 - this will be related to our Summer 1 topic 'Brr it's cold out there' where we are focusing on the Arctic. For this the children are free to do what they choose. This can include:
- An art project based on arctic animals and their habitats?
- A model of an Arctic animal (real or created) with or without their habitat with an explanation of what it is and why it is suited to the Arctic?
- research project?
- Science investigation to do with ice, (solids, liquids, gasses).
These can be made in any way and shown in whatever way the child chooses. It is very open.
If you have any concerns or questions don't hesitate to ask :-)
4. SAT's Boosters have now ENDED.
A few bits and bobs:
1. Reading Books are expected to be in school and taken home everyday. The children have the option to change their reading books daily and must have read their books to an adult - showing this in their reading records. We encourage their independence and so
2. Homework will be given on a Friday, ready for the weekend, and should be handed in the following Thursday to leave enough time to check and mark your children's work.
3. PE kits can be brought on a Monday and left until the Friday in case any extra slots can be used during the week.
4. Please ensure your children bring a pair of 'indoor' shoes. These can be your children's indoor PE pumps.
5. School uniform - Please ensure that each item of your children's uniform has their name in them to avoid confusion and can be returned to them safely if found.
We hope you have had a lovely, relaxing break.
Miss Blakesley and Mrs Towner.