Welcome Super Six to your class page
Welcome back to our Summer 2 term. I trust everyone has had a relaxing break. It's hard tobelieve that this is our last half term together at St Mary's before our Super Six move on to their new adventures at secondary school!
School is still a little different to what you remember due to Covid-19 changes, but it is still your school. We will still be starting at 9 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. Please do read the return to school guidance that has been forwarded on parentmail. You only need to bring your P.E. kit and your packed lunch if you have one.
As I write and look out of the window this time, the Camellia have finished and the various summer flowering shrubs are looking splendid as we move further into Summer. In Summer 2 term our topic is geography based. We are going to focus on "Raging Rivers" This includes being able to name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time. We will also be able to include some compass work in our Forest school activities.
In English we will use Talk for Writing to enable us to produce further pieces of writing, beginning with journalistic writing - which links in with our summer production. We are joining our local community volunteers and litter picking in our community for a couple of afternoons helping us to focus on our environmental responsibilities. We also have the school nurse visitng to talk with us about puberty and then a couple of weeks later about sex education. We will continue to learn French beginning with a topic on shopping and money (links to maths). Our Summer production - Shakespeare Rocks! - is starting to take shape, props are being made, lines being learned and the singing is fantastic! I do hope easing of lockdown restrictions will allow us to have you as our audience, if not we will find a way to showcase our talented year 6. We also have our exiting adventurous activities residential to Walesby, as well as a sports afternoon/open afternoon. Our stick insects are now back in the classroom and appear to be thriving - we have found a number of baby ones!
P.E. will be Monday and Thursday but please ensure you keep your kit in school all week as we may have other opportunities.
Homework will be given on a Friday to be returned the following Thursday, we will mark this together as a learning curve.
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 7th June Litter picking in our local Tickhill community
Thursday 9th June School nurse talk on puberty
24 June School nurse talk on sex education
29 June & 1st July Shakespeare rocks! Production
5,6 & July residential to Walesby
Should you need to contact me, please email me via tickhillfoljambe@gmail.com
Welcome Y6 to your weekly learning w.c. 1.3.21
It is important to keep ourselves fit and healthy, try to ensure you take exercise everyday.
P.E. -You can choose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0go1pTda8 P>E> with Joe Wicks
www.youtube.com › user › CosmicKidsYoga
Activefusion have offered the following:
FREE RESOURCES👉 www.activefusion.org.uk/active-parent/challenges
PE Timetable with LIVE links Lockdown 3 Timetable v2 (activefusion.org.uk)
Reading books and records are available for collection/to be changed each Wednesday (beginning 6 January) between 9.00 and 11.00 at the school office. If you have your own book at home to read please read and enjoy that one - don't forget to write in you reading record a review and comments as you read it through. A copy of Who Let the Gods Out is still available for collection.
Oak Academy have introduced a virtual library - have a look at https://library.thenational.academy/
Monday 1.3.21 See you on our Teams meeting 9.15
Word of the Day nouns day - go to Teams assignments powerpoint for daily word w.c.22.2.21
SPag - Spellings go to - Purplemash Y6 Spr2. Words ending in -ent, -ence, -ency. This will automatically save for me to check.
English - Go to the T4W unit Monsters on Teams/Gmail. Activity 9 - talk your plan through. Activity 10 : It's time to write your monster information text. Submit
Guided Reading - World Book day week activity - Go to Book activity Booklet on Teams/Gmail and complete Review and Character Profile from your favourite book
Maths - Go to: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/fractions-represent-multiplication-with-proper-fractions-c9h64e (please send copies of your completed work). We would normally have moved on to our topic on angles, but as most people will not have access to a protractor, I have decided to focus on time and then we can do angles together in class.
TT Rockstars 12 x tables
Science Topic- Go to: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/which-organisms-lived-during-each-era-of-time-71jk0d
Worship - Go to our worship page (St Mary's School Tickhill, Our children - scroll down to Worship)
Tuesday 2.3.21 See you on our Teams meeting 9.15
Word of the Day adjective day- go to Teams assignments powerpoint for daily word w.c.22.2.21
SPag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zshfdxs How to use semi-colons revision, this will be useful in the writing unit.
English - Go to the T4W unit Monsters. Edit and polish - use the SURPRISES sheet on the class page to help. Look at your toolkit for this unit - have you included everything? Look at the boxing up -have you followed the pattern? Look at your SPaG. Submit
Guided Reading - World Book day week activity - Go to Book activity Booklet on Teams/Gmail and complete
Secret Diary
Maths - Go to https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/fractions-multiply-pairs-of-proper-fractions-c4rp4r (please send copies of your completed work)
TT Rockstars 7 & 6 x tables
Science Topic - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-impact-have-humans-had-on-plants-and-animals-65k38c (please send copies of completed work) This links to our music unit on Plastic
Worship - Go to our worship page
Wednesday 3.3.21 See you on our Teams meeting 9.15
Word of the Day adverb day - go to Teams assignments powerpoint for daily word w.c. 22.2.21
SPag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zqk37p3 What are subordinating conjunctions?Again these will be useful in the writing unit
English - Go to the T4W unit Monsters. Write up your final piece. Submit
Guided Reading - World Book day week activity - Go to Book activity Booklet on Teams/Gmail and complete Quiz and Interview.
Maths - Go to https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/fractions-divide-a-proper-fraction-by-an-integer-6tjkgd
(please send copies of your completed work)
TT Rockstars 8 & 9 x tables
Science Topic - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-impact-are-humans-likely-to-have-on-life-in-the-future-cnj64t (please send copies of your completed work)
Worship - Go to our worship page
Thursday 4.3.21 See you on our Teams meeting 9.15 Guided Reading livee BBC World Book day event 11.30
Word of the Day verb day - go to Teams assignments powerpoint for daily word w.c.22.2.21
SPag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zg8gbk7 These will be useful in the writing unit.
English - Go to the T4W unit Monsters. Activity 11 draw your monster's land. Activity 12 giving feedback on your information text.. Submit
Guided Reading - 11.30 a.m. Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/live-lessons/world-book-day-2021-live-lesson/z2thm39. Activities on Teams and Gmail.
Maths - Go to https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/fractions-multiply-and-divide-with-improper-fractions-74tk8c (please send copies of your completed work)
TT Rockstars 7 & 8 x tables
Music - Using your Yumu login (sent on GMail) go to: https://charanga.com/yumu/login. I have set a unit of work called Plastic. Continue from last week. Work is automatically saved for me to look at.
Worship - Go to our worship page
Friday 5.3.21 See you on our Teams meeting 9.15
Word of the Day long-word-Friday - go to Teams assignments powerpoint for daily word w.c.22.2.21
SPag - Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zc773k7 How to use commas, again these will be useful in the writing unit
English - Go to the T4W unit Monsters. Activity 14 Wanted Poster. Remember all you know about posters - colour, words (not tooo many), why and what are you telling people? Submit
Guided Reading - Wolrd Book Day activity - World Book day week activity - Go to Book activity Booklet on Teams/Gmail and complete Cover design, blurb and word search.
Maths - Go to https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/fractions-solve-fraction-problems-with-the-four-operations-cgrk0d (please send copies of your completed work)
TT Rockstars Mixed practice x tables
Music - Using your Yumu login (sent on GMail) go to: https://charanga.com/yumu/login. I have set a unit of work called Plastic. Continue from previous lesson. Work is automatically saved for me to look at.
For music I have also given you access to Charanga Music World. This is just an option for you to play with and enjoy.
Worship - Go to our worship page
Have a relaxing weekend everyone!
Other ideas - boredom is a state of mind only
Please do send any photos or recounts of your activities so we can share them together on our class page.
Remote Learning
Following school closures, we have decided to make the children’s learning experience streamlined and as simplistic as possible. Therefore we will ensure that we upload content ready for Monday mornings. The Government advice is that primary schools should have approximately three hours of work per day. With this in mind, St Mary’s will concentrate on at least three areas of study per day which will vary from year group to year group and may change each week.
The work will begin from tomorrow Wednesday 6th January.
To supplement your child’s learning, we will be offering CGP books at a significantly discounted price which the office will need to know by Friday the 8th January. These books have been handpicked by the teachers in order to best support the needs of the children. These are available via the school office.
Books for Year 6
KS2 Ancient Greeks Targeted Study and Question Book - Y6 (code HEB21) £3.50 each payment to the school office by Parentpay please
Reading Comprehension Y6 Study and question book (code EGC21) £1.85 each payment to the school office by Parentpay please
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your class teacher through their regular Gmail address.
Happy Learning
Remembrance Service
Y6 wrote some war poems for our Remembrance service. Although we couldn't have our usual service in school, to which you would have been invited, we still had a short service of respect in our bubbles on the playground. We decided in Y6 to record our own service and here is a link for you to watch it. Please note that the service continues after the two minute silence. We hope you enjoy.
Good morning Super Six!
Here is your learning for Monday 2 November 2020. I hope you have all had a lovely restful week and are ready to learn again.
Monday - Word of the Day Challenge: What word class does the word belong to? Can you use it in a sentence, find an antonym and a synonym? - Abyss
Spag - Go to Purplemash 2Do - Y6 AUT2 WK2 - Quiz. It's Monday so it's spellings! We are looking at those double consonants - keep practising
Maths - Let's put our previous learning into practice: click here - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/solving-addition-and-subtraction-word-problems-6mw3ct?activity=intro_quiz&step=1
English - Today is our cold task for our new unit on poetry. Go to Purplemash 2Do: autumn poem, watch the short video then write your autumn poem cold task. I can print them off for our books.
Reading - Go to Purplemash 2Do - Read The Time-Lock Adventure, 7 small pieces culminating in you writing a book review. I will print them off for our books.
Foundation subject - Science: Go to Purplemash: electrical symbols pairs game and then to:create an electrical safety leaflet.
P.E. Joe Wicks on You Tube doing P.E. and join in the comfort of your home. You'll feel better for it! You could try Cosmic Kids yoga for a change -or as well as.. If the weather is good today get outside in the garden or yard and exercise. Fresh air and off the screen! What can you collect ouside? If you are able to go for a walk with an adult what autumnal items can you collect? Make a list and send it in. Can you sketch one of the items in detail?
Rockstars timestables: This week practice 12 times tables
Don't forget, if you haven't completed your half term creative homework yet you could do some more today!
Dates for your diary:
Monday 2nd November - return to school