
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

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Land of the Living Creative Homework

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Creative Homework Menu for 5th July 2107

Summer Term 2


It is the final half-term ! Yet again we have so lots of fun activities planned for the final half-term.

Firstly, our topic is called Land of the Living and this is all about living things, plants and animals. We will be doing a lot of outdoor learning,researching animals. exploring the use of classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in the local environment. This term we will also use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods. 


Charlotte's Web  by E.B.White is the text that we will be using in English and Guided Reading. This is an ideal text for our topic as it is based on a farm where we meet Wilbur the pig and many other fantastic animals. As part of English we will be writing a persuasive letter to Mr Zuckerman ( a character from the book), persuading him not to kill Wilbur the precious pig.


The weather is getting lovely and warm so we will be doing a lot of outdoor learning including PE. Please make sure children have their PE kit in all week as we intend to  take advantage of the warm weather. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and sun hat.


Creative Homework show is on the 5th July. I have attached a homework menu with some ideas for this.

Our trip to Castleton is on the 21st June which we are all really looking forward to. smiley


Please feel free to come in and speak to me about your child's learning, school experience or anything you may be concerned about.


Thank you Miss Chakanetsa smiley








Summer Term 1


Hello and welcome back,

It is the Summer Term wow! How exciting. Well, for the first half of the summer term we will be doing an interesting Science based topic called “States of Matter”. In this topic we will be experimenting with lots of solids, liquids and gases. We will be exploring the three main states of matter and identifying their particles.The topic is bound to bring out our scientific side. As part of our launch activity we will be having a classroom based science morning. Warning! Prepare to be in awe and get your hands messy.


Our text for this half term is George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. This text fits in quite nicely with our topic because as we read about George making his potions, we will be making some of our very own gruesome potions too. As we read through the text we will be doing some Journalistic Writing in English and reporting back the effects of George’s medicine on Grandma.


The weather is getting warmer now, so we hope to do PE outdoors as much as possible. So please bring both your indoor and outdoor PE kits into school. PE will be on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.


Please feel free to pop in and speak to me if you just want to know how you child is getting on or have any concerns.


Miss Chakanetsa smiley

Red Nose Day

Making Music with Mr Smith

Reading Our Brand New Bibles

Spending Quality Time with Pippin