Summer 2
Just like that we only have seven weeks left! This half will see Laughton class adventure into unknown territory (for some) in the shape of Castleton. Our residential lends itself well to our new topic; Castleton Capers. This will be a Geographical and Biological based topic. Maths will see us continue with Area and Perimeter and hope to move onto 3D shapes amongst other things! Our new book is Charlotte's Web and our new T4W cycle will be focused on Non-chronological reports.
This half term will be full of activities like our residential, awards evening and the talent show so let's all band together for one last push.
P.E. will still be on a Wednesday and homework on a Friday.
Thanks again,
Mr D
Summer 1
We are in our final term of year 4! Apologies to one and all for missing the last few days prior to Easter.
Our new topic will be 'Good Vibrations.' We will be learning all about sound and how we actually hear sounds and their relationship to distance and states of matter. Maths will see us focus on Decimals and English will be focusing on finishing our descriptive piece of writing.
P.E. will remain on Wednesday and homework will still be set on a Friday and due for the following Friday.
Year 5 is nearing ever closer so it's time for the final push!
Mr. D
Spring Term 2
I hope everyone has had a restful week and the children are ready and raring to go! Spring 2 will have us looking at States of Matter and immersing ourselves in George's Marvelous Medicine. This will involve the trip to Doncaster Museum, lots of investigations and exploring particles' role in the composition of solid, liquids and gases. Laughton class will be continuing Fractions this half term so a push on number facts is crucial. With year 4 on the cusp of a Dodgeball tournament P.E. will focus mainly on this.
P.E. will still be on a Wednesday and Homework set on a Friday for the following Friday.
Here's to a fantastic half term in year 4!
Mr. D
Welcome back!
A Happy New Year and welcome back to all of Laughton class. I hope everyone had fantastic rest and are fully recharged after the festive season. A massive thanks to all and everyone who was kind enough to have a word with Santa and bring me a gift over Christmas.
2019 has a lot in store for year 4. Our topic for this half term is 'A North American Road Trip.' This will involve learning all about the geography of North America and the World. Moreover, one stop off on our adventure will be looking at the history of North America by looking at Slavery.
Maths for this half term will be exploring discrete data. We will be learning all about Pictograms, Bar Charts and Time Graphs. Also, lets ensure year 4 have their dancing shoes on as in P.E. this half term we will be looking at different aspects of dance starting with Salsa.
Moving forward, P.E. will be on a Wednesday and homework will be set on a Friday for the following Friday.
I am thoroughly looking forward to a fantastic start to the year!
Mr D
Christmas Fayre with Laughton!
Year 4 decided that Christmas wreaths were the way to go. We designed and crafted some fantastic wreath decorations.
The children loved it!
More pictures to follow.
Laughton Autumn term 2
Laughton have spent the build up to Christmas studying the topic 'Electricity: it's shocking!'
The children have been learning all about electricity, the different types of electricity and what appliances might use it. Moreover, we have put our investigation hats on and been looking at the affect the number of light bulbs will have on the brightness of the bulbs in a circuit. Images to follow!
This half term has seen Laughton turn poetic! We have written a Remembrance Day poem, a Limerick and a Viking-inspired Kennings. We have just starting looking at explanation text and will aim to write one of our own. This half term's Maths focus see us exploring multiplication and division.
Creative Homework
The children out did themselves and created some fantastic pieces of creative homework all focused around Vikings and Anglo-Saxons!
Homework & P.E.
Homework will be set to on a Friday and due on the following Friday. Children should be aiming for reading for around ten minutes a day.
P.E. Will be on a Wednesday and a Friday.