Welcome to a new term at wizard school. We are going to have a fantastic term, looking at Harry Potter for our English text and we are looking at money and decimals in Maths. In topic are experimenting with solids, liquids and gases, it is going to be a fun topic.
Hold onto your wands Laughton it is going to be an adventure.
Spring 2: Land of The Living
I hope everyone has had a fantastic break and had lots of fun. This term we are looking at 'Land of the Living' as our topic and we have some special friends coming into the classroom. This is a geography and science topic and I think year 4 are going to have lots of fun with it. We are looking at Charlotte's web in English which is such a great book. In maths we are still looking at decimals and fractions. We will be looking at the Easter story and in the first week we will be looking at Chinese New Year.
See you soon
Mrs Beedle, Mrs Harman and Mr Taylor
Spring 1: India
Welcome back, we hope you had a fantastic Christmas. This term we are going to be learning a lot of geography and the country India. We are lucky enough to have some ladies coming in to show some things about Indian culture (pictures to follow).
In maths we are looking at multiplication and division leading onto fractions.
In English we will be reading the book Grandpa Chatterji and writing our own story about a family member who comes to visit.
Welcome back to a new term.
I hope you all had a fantastic half term. We are going to be scientists this term and look at Electricity in our topic 'Its Shocking'. We are very excited to turn on our science brains and explore electricity. You may have noticed children coming home with balloons today......we have started by looking at static electricity and used balloons to perform some experiments with our hair, jumpers, carpets and tissue paper to create positive charges. We made all the atoms in our hair positively charged so they repelled each other! We then made the atoms on tissue paper positively charged so they could stick to our negatively-charged balloons. It has been a lot of fun and with more fun experiments to come it is going to be a very interesting topic. I have even bought us a plasma ball for us to use in the classroom.
Dates for your diary:
Friday 10 November - Remembrance Service in School Hall 10:30 a.m.
Friday 17 November - Anti-bullying Assembly school hall 2.30 led by year 5
Friday 17 November - Children in Need dressing up spotty day (£1 donation)
Wednesday 22nd November - Parent's Evening (look forward to seeing you there)
Wednesday 29 November - Christingle in St Mary's Church 2 p.m.
Thursday 7 December - Christmas Fair School Hall 2.p.m.
Friday 8 December - Whole school panto trip
20th December - Christmas Meal at lunch time (if requested)
21st December - Christmas parties during afternoon
22nd December - Christmas Church Service at 2pm
8th January - Back to school
Our Day in York
We had a fantastic fun-filled day in York on 6th October. We started by visiting a Viking in DIG who taught us all about Viking weaponry and how many 'weapons' were also tools such as the bow and arrow and the axe. We learnt about battle formations and scare tactics and scared the life out of Mrs Beedle with our terrifying yells and ferocious expressions.
We went on to Yorvik where we took a ride around the Viking Coppergate and learnt all about Viking life.
The Little Black Cloud
Thank to everyone for coming to our Harvest service. The children loved performing for you and we hoped that you really enjoyed it!
Welcome Back Fantastic 4
We are all so excited for our new year in Year 4. We are all ready with our secret 'Fantastic 4' signal and t-shirts.
I will post everything that we have been doing in class on here, including pictures and stories so please keep checking and having a look .