Summer One
Wow! I cannot believe we are already coming into summer term. Time really does fly when you are having fun! Our topic for this half term is called ‘At the bottom of the garden’. We will be finding out all about minibeats as well as introducing a fairy garden in our outdoor classroom. We will be going on minibeast hunts, finding out about the different habitats of minibeasts and finding out lots of facts about a wide range of minibeats.
We will be sharing the stories of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Mad about minibeasts and What the Ladybird Heard. We will be sequencing the stories in a variety of different ways including through the use of talk for writing and story mapping. We will also continue to embed our phonic knowledge in order to support our early reading and writing. We will be creating shopping lists for the very hungry caterpillar, labelling minibeasts and creating maps for What the Ladybird Heard.
Finally, we have ordered some caterpillars to keep in class so that we are able to closely observe the life cycle of a butterfly.
We cannot wait to get started with a fun filled, action packed half term!
Good Afternoon.
The children have enjoyed listening to this song in class so I thought I would share it for them to watch at home.
Miss B x
Good Evening Nursery,
I hope you have all enjoyed your first week of home learning and stayed safe at home. We are missing you and can't wait till we can get back to enjoying your nursery year. I will be uploading next weeks learning via Tapestry ready for Monday morning. I will also add some additional learning links on this class page and via Tapestry.
Take care and have a restful weekend
Miss Belnavis and Mrs Bevington
Good afternoon,
I hope you are all safe and well. I have attached a link which will support in ensuring that phonic sounds are articulated correctly. It is important to use the pure sounds when sounding out words or teaching letter sounds. This will be useful in the coming weeks but also when supporting children to recognise the phonemes (one letter and one sound) in their name.
Miss Belnavis x
Hello Nursery,
Following school closures, we have decided to make the children’s learning experience streamlined and as simplistic as possible. Therefore we will ensure that we upload content ready for Monday mornings.
The activities will begin from tomorrow: 06.01.21.
I have created a weekly plan and resources and shared them via 'memos' on Tapestry. You will need to log in to your Tapestry account via the web page in order to see these. Please stay in contact with us via Tapestry to share work and ask questions. I look forward to hearing from you all and hope that you are all safe and happy at home.
x Miss Belnavis and Mrs Bevington x
Spring Term
Happy New Year to everyone!
This half term our topic is called 'Once Upon a Time' and is all about Traditional Tales. We intend to immerse the children in a wide range of stories such as The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and The Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man.
We will teach the children to re-tell these stories with confidence using Talk For Writing as well as sequencing the key events.
In Maths we will continue to embed our number knowledge to 10. This includes securing recognition, counting, ordering and representing them. In addition to this we will begin to look at length, height and capacity.
Continuous provision will reflect each story for example three pigs small world, making houses from different materials and a bears cottage in the role play area. We look forward to seeing you for the Spring term!
Well done to our first St Mary's Superstar! He is such an amazing role model to his peers and he always follows our golden rules! Keep up the good work we are very proud of you!
Whizz, Bang, Pop!
Hello and welcome back. This half term our topic will be all about different celebrations and the magic of Christmas! We love this topic and the children can really relate to it! The topic will be split up as follows;
Week one- Bonfire Night
Week Two- Diwali
Week Three and Four- Birthday Celebrations
Weeks 5-7- Christmas
In our first week back we have lots of fun activities planned for the children including making edible bonfire sparklers and firework paintings. We will read different stories such as 'sparks in the sky'. We will discuss the celebration and talk about our own experiences of bonfire night.
In Maths we will continue with out number of the week (4) and begin to look at making arrangements and pictures using shapes. We will encourage the children to look at pictures of rockets and try to use the appropriate shapes to re-create their own.
We are hoping to finish the week off with a trip to our forest school where we will have a hot chocolate and marshmallows around the fire pit.
Please continue to look on Tapestry via the web page and not the app to check on any Memos which are circulated. I can't wait to see you all. Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Belnavis x
All things Autumn
We have had another lovely couple of week in Nursery. We are all having so much fun it feels like we have been in Nursery together for so long already!
This week we started to look at Autumn and the changes that are beginning to happen. We have kicked this off with an Autumn walk around or school grounds and forest school. We found lots of early signs of Autumn and are excited to keep observing the changes that happen over the next couple of weeks. We collected some of the items we found on our Autumn walk and looked more closely at them. We decided to use the leaves to create some leaf rubbings and make our own owls from the story 'Owl Babies'.
We will continue to observe the changes which happen around us and next week we will be reading the story 'leaf man' This book has some lovely images and will inspire our learning next week.
Our First Week
We have had a super first week in Nursery and we are amazed at how quickly we have all settled in! We have spent the first week in school getting to know one another, exploring our new classroom environment, establishing our rules and routines and having lots of fun!
Below is a quick video tutorial on adding observations on Tapestry which you may find useful;
Welcome to Nursery!
Hello and welcome to St Mary's and our class page. I will update this page with news about our learning and any important information that you may need to know. My name is Miss Belnavis and your Nursery Nurse is called Mrs Bevington. Some of you will be returning to Nursery to continue your journey but for many of you this will be your first week at a brand new school with brand new faces! We are so excited to finally meet all of you and start our journey together!
The first few weeks in Nursery will be all about building positive relationships with teachers and peers and getting to know one another. We will gradually introduce the Nursery routine, explore the provision and discuss how we access this independently. We will then begin to gather baseline assessments on each child to ensure that we know how to plan effectively for their next steps in learning.
Our topic for the first half term will be 'Marvelous Me and my Magnificent World'. During this time we will look at ourselves, finding out about what makes us special, what we like and don't like, our birthdays and our families. We will share story books such as 'Hugless Douglas Goes to Little School' and 'Topsy and Tim start school'. We will enhance provision linked to ourselves and our families for example babies in the water, construction to build our houses etc.
We will then be moving on to looking at the people who help us both in and outside of school. During this time we will explore our school environment and think about the different people who help us in school.
As you are aware we will be staggering the children in as per the letter that you received in the summer term. Some of the children will attend on Wednesday morning and some will attend on Thursday morning. On Friday, all children will attend Nursery for the morning session. The week commencing 7th September all children will begin their usual allocated session times.
8:45-11:45-Morning session
12:30-3:30- Afternoon session
8:45-3:30- All day
During the first week we will hand you a letter about our online learning journey 'Tapestry'. We ask you to complete the form and return it to ourselves so that you are able to access your child's learning journey. We use Tapestry as well as paper learning journeys to record observations of your child. We also use Tapestry for parental observations and other forms of communication from school to home.
We hope you have all had a magnificent summer and are as excited as we are to welcome you into Nursery.