Welcome to our Reception Class page!
We are so excited to get to know you all and start our action packed year ahead together! This page will be updated half termly with information about each topic and our key learning. Our first half termly topic will be called ‘Hey, Diddle, Diddle’, which is all about different nursery rhymes.
We will spend the first couple of weeks getting to know one another, learning about our new routine and baselining the children in order to carefully plan for their next steps in learning.
P.E Days
Black shorts and a white t-shirt (additional to your child’s white school shirt).
Forest School Day
Remember to come dressed in appropriate forest school clothing as previously discussed.
Please note that within the first week of school you will all receive a notification from Tapestry, our online learning journal, asking you to create your account. Please ensure you do so straight away.
Staggered start
Please remember that we will be having a staggered start into reception as per your letter states from Tuesday 6th September until Friday 9th September when all children will attend.
Have an amazing summer and we cannot wait to see you in the Autumn term!
Love Miss Belnavis and Mrs Powell
Welcome to Reception!
Hi everyone, we hope you've had a great Easter. This half term our topic is, 'At the bottom of the garden.' We will be starting by reading the Hungry Caterpillar. We have, 'Meet a creature' to launch the topic on Friday and I'm sure the children will really enjoy this. We can't wait to get started!
Forest school
Our forest school afternoon will be on a Tuesday. Children will need to come to school ready in their forest school clothes on this day! Please remember that children need appropriate clothing for example, enclosed footwear (no sandals etc.), long trousers and a waterproof coat/jacket.
P.E. Days
P.E lessons will start on Wednesday 15th September and will be on Wednesday each week. The children will need to bring their P.E. kits on a Monday and take them home at the end of the week.
Indoor P.E. Kit
We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for the start of a super fun year ahead!
Miss Matthews and Mrs Powell xx