
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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School Uniform Ordering Information


We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform. You can now order and pay for school uniform online from School Trends by following the link below:


Alternatively, visit


Simply go to the website address, then select ‘Find My School’ (Tickhill St Mary’s) and follow the order instructions.


There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. As well as our approved decorated school uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts.


Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.


Please note that if you wish to order a school PE bag or school Book Bag, these can only be ordered via the school office, as they need to be ordered in bulk. The price of a PE bag and Book Bag is £6.00 per item.


We will keep a small supply of uniform in the school office should you wish to try.



School Uniform example


The school operates a full uniform policy for pupils.  The school colours are royal blue sweatshirts or cardigan, white polo shirt and grey trousers or skirt.  Blue and white gingham dresses may also be worn in the summer.

Some items of uniform can be purchased from the school office.


PE uniform

All children wear a plain white t shirt and plain black shorts. No footwear is required for indoor PE.

Children in KS2 (Y3-6) may wear a plain tracksuit/jogging suit for winter games, preferably black, blue or grey. They will need a pair of trainers for outdoor games.

All children are expected to keep their kit in school during the week and will therefore require a drawstring bag or similar.


Forest School

Children will need a change of trousers, a warm, waterproof coat and suitable footwear, especially during the colder and wetter months and a labelled water bottle, hat and sun cream in the warmer/sunnier months. Joggers or an old tracksuit/leggings together with wellies, walking boots/shoes or old trainers are recommended. 

