
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Y6 Foljambe

smileyWelcome to our Y6 class pagesmiley


 I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely Easter and not eaten too much chocolate!  Since I last wrote about our Spring 2 learning, the garden is now giving a lovely carpet of colour - Summer is definitely on the way.  We have an exciting half term, including the remaining sessions of Aspire club, our SATs (In 2023 the KS2 SATs will take place between Tuesday 9th May 2023 – Friday 12th May 2023) and a visit to Crucial Crew. Crucial Crew is a multi-agency event organised through schools, by the police and supported by the fire service. The aim is to raise awareness of safety issues to school children in Year 6 (aged 10-11). The event takes the form of a range of 20-minute interactive scenarios which cover a wide range of topics, each educating the students in a specific risk.


We have completed our topic "What legacy did the Ancient Greeks leave?" We learned about the legacy of democracy and architecture as well as theatre and medicine.  On our trip to London we were able to sit in the Public Gallery, in the Houses of Parliament, and witness democracy in action, as well as see some elements of Greek architecture in some of the London buildings.


Our new topic is geography based - "Raging Rivers". This builds on our previous learning of human and physical geographical features, as well as work done in Y5 on the water cycle. We will learn to name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, identifying key topographical features (including rivers),describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including rivers.


We will continue to read our class book "Who Let the Gods Out?" by Maz Evans. When a shooting star crashes to earth, it lands Eliot smack bang in the path of Virgo - a young Zodiac goddess on a mission. But when the pair accidentally release Thanatos, a wicked death daemon imprisoned beneath Stonehenge, they've got nowhere to turn for help but to the old Olympian gods.  We will write a further narrative piece, some journalistic writing and a piece of persuasive text.


We will continue to develop our reading comprehension skills using VIPERS - I have placed details of this on our page, please scroll down to read more


In R.E. we will be asking the question: How can following God bring freedom and justice? Learning about Christianity and other faiths helps us to have tolerance - and a choice to make our own decisions in our belief.


In art this half term we will be developing our sketching and painting skills in the style of Hockney landscapes to include rivers.


In PE we will focus on Forest School and games.  Please ensure P.E. kits and spare clothes for Forest School are kept in school all week, including outdoor trainers, as we may have other opportunities.


Our ICT continues with a unit on quizzing -  and we will continue to build on our previous on-line safety learning. With regard to on-line safety and using social media, we have again (you may remember the talk to Y5 last year) had a visit from  the police who came to talk with the children in the autumn term about using social media in an appropriate way and understanding their responsibilities. One of of our computing units was based around on-line safety and we will continue to remind the children of what was learned and I hope you can too.  Further work on on-line safety will also be covered at Crucial Crew.


In French our new unit is "This is France".  We will build on our previous learning to create sentences- both written and spoken as well as learn about the geography of France with a focus on Paris (this also links to the national curriculum for geography)


After SATs we will start to think about our Summer production so once again, we have a very busy half term planned, should you at any time need to discuss anything please do contact me and we could meet after school, alternatively please leave a message on the class g-mail account:


Mrs Lowe



Raging Rivers - our geography based topic

Raging Rivers - our geography based topic


Homework will usually be given on a Friday and due to be handed in the following Thursday.  We will mark homework together in class as part of our learning journey.  Spare copies are kept in a folder in the classroom for the children to access.

We will look at spellings on a Monday and usually test on a Friday, we learn them together in class throughout the week, however should your child prefer to bring them home to learn as well they can copy them onto an appropriate sheet.

I will send a copy of the year3/4 and 5/6 statutory spellings home so you can enjoy practising together (or having a practice together!wink)

If there are any difficulties in completing homework, please do not stress just leave me a message on our g-mail or speak to me at some point in the week.

What is Vipers?

VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of the 6 reading domains as part of the UK’s reading curriculum.  They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts.

VIPERS stands for






Sequence or Summarise

The 6 domains focus on the comprehension aspect of reading and not the mechanics: decoding, fluency, prosody etc. 

Here are some VIPERS question stems you could use to help develop reading comprehension

Snowy day fun!

We enjoyed a visit to our local community library

Helping to serve soup lunches in our local community

Pig heart disssections

Our class stick insects

Children in Need day

Our dance unit

20 Things To Do...
