
Tickhill St Mary'sCofE Primary and Nursery School

Growing Together, Learning Together

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Year 2 Clarel

Hello! This is Year 2, Clarel Class. Our teacher is Miss Ng and Mrs Towner works with us too. Mrs Harman likes to work with us occasionally.


This term our topic is called “How Does Your Garden Grow?" (Plants) and we will be learning new skills, as well as consolidating previously learnt skills. Our topic has a strong Science focus, with practical activities playing a key role in our learning. We will be exploring our surrounding environment and looking at different types of plant-life. Gardening will be a regular activity in this topic, so expect lots of messy uniforms (we'll try our best to keep clean!!). We will be performing lots of experiments to develop our scientific thinking and discussion skills. 

P.E. days are Monday, Thursday and Friday.  Children will need a P.E. kit (white t-shirt, black shorts, white socks and trainers or black pumps for outdoors) which they will keep in school all the time until the end of the half-term.

Our trim trail day is a Tuesday afternoon. They will need trainers or sturdy outdoor pumps to go on the trim trail. The children can leave their trainers at school in the cloakroom.


Thank-you smiley



Important Dates


  • 4th May - School closed for Bank Holiday
  • 5th May - Class photographs
  • 7th May - School closed for training day
  • 22nd May - School closes for half-term holiday
  • 1st June - School re-opens for Summer 2 term
  • 18th June - Sports Day (weather dependent)
  • 19th June - Father's Day lunch (booking essential)
  • 9th July (2pm onwards) - Creative Homework Presentation and Parent's open afternoon
  • 16th July - Summer disco
  • 17th July (2pm start) - End of year Church Service



Homework will be set each Friday and must be returned on Thursday ready to be marked the next day.

Following feedback from the Parents' Forum, homework will consist of a reading book, set of spellings and one piece of homework based on Maths, English or Topic.

For school holidays, the children will receive spellings and a reading book.

Year 2 would like to say a big thank-you for your support for the Christingle Church service. It was a massive success and everyone enjoyed the service.

Year 2 Christingle Church Service

Conisbrough Castle

Tempus Fugit Making Memories

Key Stage 1 had a fantastic time when "Florence Nightingale" came to visit them!

They learnt so much and discovered what a fascinating person Florence Nightingale was. 

Spring 2 Creative Homework Presentation

A big "WELL DONE!" to everyone who created a project for the Spring Florence Nightingale creative homework project.

The projects created were outstanding and showed how much time and effort was put into them. 

Thank-you!! no smiley no

All the children had an amazing time when the author came to visit them. David Lawrence Jones was energetic and enthusiastic! He certainly inspired us to develop a love of reading and writing!